They walk in on you changing

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You were getting ready to go on a date with Tamaki. He would be home any second now. You started changing into your dress when you were interrupted by Tamaki.

"Princess! I'm ho- eh?!" You heard his obnoxious call from the doorway and snapped your head towards him. He was blushing and staring at you.

"Stop staring and get out!" You said, chucking a pillow at him.

"I'M SO SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" He covered his eyes and ran away, bumping into the door frame before running off.


You had just gotten out of the shower and went into your bedroom. You let your towel slip off and began putting your clothes on. You heard a cough from behind you and seen Kyoya staring at you.

"Pervert! Get out!" You said, covering yourself.

"I'm quite fine over here, thank you." He replied with a smirk. You stomped over to him and pushed him out, slamming the door behind you.


You and Hikaru were planning on watching a movie. You were changing into your pajamas to get comfy, until you heard Hikaru walk in.

"I- I'm s- sorry!" You heard him stutter from behind you. You looked behind you and seen Hikaru blushing and staring at you.

"If you're sorry then stop staring!" You said, covering yourself.

"I'm really really sorry!" He said as he ran away.


You were cooking supper when you spilled an egg on your shirt. You quickly ran into your room and dug in your dresser for a new shirt. As you were changing, Kaoru walked in.

"You left the oven on in the ki- oh my god I'm so sorry!" Kaoru said, blushing. He quickly running away.


You were getting ready for school and changing into your uniform. As you were changing, you spotted Mori walk across the room behind you.

"What are you doing?!" You covered yourself with your shirt.

"Getting my bag." He replied, as if you weren't half naked. He walked out as normal, so you just swept it under the rug.


You were baking cupcakes when you spilt chocolate on your white shirt. You ran to your room and began changing your shirt. You didn't want there to be a stain on it.

"Are the cupcakes done..?" Hunny said, innocently. You turned around to find the boy standing at the door with Usa-chan in his arms.

"Not quite. Just give me a sec..." You said, motioning him out of the room and closing the door.

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