They help you with your homework

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You had been staring at your homework for around an hour now. 

8 (12 - 8x)³ ÷ 10

You sighed and set your head on your desk.  You heard a knock coming from your door.

"Come in..." You said with your head still on your desk.   You heard the door creak open.

"Is something the matter, princess?" You heard Tamaki say from the doorway.

"I just don't understand this math problem..." You said, sitting up and looking at the equation once more.

"Hm...  Lemme see..." Tamaki turned your paper towards himself and looked at the problem.  He stared at it for a while, and you could see him start to sweat.

"It's okay if you don't know the ans-" You said before you were cut off by Tamaki.

"No!  I know the answer!  Lemme just go in the other room to get a pencil!" He said, grabbing your paper and walking away with it.

"Wait I have a pencil right here..!" You tried to tell him but he'd already left the room.  A few minutes later you heard the door open once again.  Tamaki stood proudly and gave you your paper back.

"I told you I knew the answer!  All you have to do is trust me, my princess..." He grabbed your chin in his hands and you blushed slightly, looking down at your paper.  The answer along with the work leading up to it were written in an organised manner, and in cursive writing.

"But Tamaki, to this isn't your handwriting..." You showed him the paper.

"Don't worry about that..." He smiled and pat your head before leaving the room. 


You were in study hall with Kyoya.  He wrote in his black notebook and you concentrated on your math homework.  You had absolutely no idea how to do it, and you decided to ask Kyoya for help.

"Kyoya..?" You said, scooting towards him. 

"What is it?" He said, tilting his book away from you.

"What's the square root of 36,864?" You asked.

"192." He answered.  How'd he know that without a calculator..?

"Thanks..." You went back to your paper.

"Um...  What's a laplacian?" You asked again.  Kyoya sighed and closed his notebook.

"In mathematics, the Laplace operator or Laplacian is a differential operator given by the divergence of the gradient of a function on Euclidean space. It is usually denoted by the symbols ∇·∇, ∇2, or Δ. The Laplacian Δf(p) of a function f at a point p, up to a constant depending on the dimension, is the rate at which the average value of f over spheres centered at p deviates from f(p) as the radius of the sphere grows. In a Cartesian coordinate system, the Laplacian is given by the sum of second partial derivatives of the function with respect to each independent variable."

"What did you just say..?" You said, baffled.

"Here, I recorded it for you.  Replay it if you need to." He said, going back to his notebook.


You were in study hall with Hikaru.  He sat next to you with Kaoru, playing on a GameBoy.  While you sat and did your math homework.  One question in particular really stumped you.

"Hey, Hikaru, what's a polynomial?" You asked, poking Hikaru's shoulder.

"How the hell am I supposed to know?" He replied.  You sighed and got up to ask the teacher.


You were writing an essay and doing some editing.  You came across a sentence that could've used different wording, but you couldn't think of anything to replace the word 'happy' with.

"Kaoru?" You asked the boy, who was also doing homework.

"Hm?" He hummed, his eyes not leaving his paper.

"What's a synonym for happy?' You asked.  He thought for a minute, tapping his pen on his chin.

"Sad?". He said.  You internally face palmed.

"That's an antonym...  Synonym means the same..." You explained.  He thought some more.

"How about feeling or showing pleasure or contentment?" He said. 

"Never mind..." You got up to find a thesaurus somewhere in the house.


You were laying on your bed in your room, trying to figure out how to do your math homework.  You were absolutely stumped and had no idea what was going on.  You let out a very loud 'ugh' that made Mori check to see if you were okay.

"Is something wrong?" He said, standing in the doorway.

"You're in a higher grade than me...  Can you show me how to do this?" You said, standing up and giving Mori your paper.

"I learned this last year?" He said confused. 

"Ugh, never mind.  I'll go Google it..." You said, taking your homework back and digging out your laptop.


You were sitting across from Hunny in the host club.  He sat and innocently ate a slice of strawberry shortcake while you were working on your homework.

"Hunny, do you know what the square root of 81 is?" You asked the boy. 

"Hm...  Wouldn't it be the little dash on the bottom of the number one?" He said with his hand on his chin.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"The line part is the trunk...  And the dash is the roots of the tree!" He said, drawing the number 1 on your paper.  "See?"

"I guess..." You said, taking out your phone to use as a calculator.

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