They get drunk

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Tamaki had left for a party with the host club.  You were tired, so you decided to stay home.  It was around midnight when Tamaki came back home.  You were sitting on the couch watching TV when you heard Tamaki walk in.  You heard a big thump and went to investigate.  You found Tamaki face down on the floor.

"Tamaki, are you okay?" You kneeled down to him.  A puddle formed underneath his face.

"Oh, princess​...  Won't you kiss this ugly frog to break my spell of sadness?" He slurred and looked up at you with tears streaming down his face.

"What are you talking about, Tamaki?". You tried to sit him up and he kissed you.

"Did you drink?  I can taste it on you." You picked him up and dragged him to his bed, laying him down.  He cried as you did so.  He just layed there and cried himself to sleep. 


Kyoya had been holed up in his office since he got home from school.  Apparently Tamaki was up to his extravagant plans once more, and left Kyoya to take care of the financial problems like always.  It was night time now and you were about to go to sleep.  Before you went to bed you went to check up on him.

"Kyoya..?" You peeked in his office to see him slouched over his desk with an empty bottle of wine next to him.

"Kyoya!" You hurried over to him and sat him up.  He mumbled something under his breath and slapped your hand away.

"You're going to bed." You pulled his wheeled office chair out of the room. 

"No...  Work..!" He slurred and held his head.

"You can finish tomorrow." You wheeled him into your room and put him in your bed.  He fell asleep almost immediately and you crawled next to him. 


Hikaru and some of his friends went out to a barcade.  He promised he was only there for the games and that he wouldn't drink, but he still came home drunk.

You were watching TV when he came in.  He slammed the door and kicked his shoes off, kicking them at the wall and making a ruckus.  He stomped into the living room and suddenly flopped onto the floor.

"Hikaru?!  I thought you said you wouldn't drink!" You went over to him.  He sat up and held his head.

"Stop yelling!  It hurts!" He yells.  You sigh.

"We'll talk about this tomorrow...  Go to bed." You sat back down on the couch.  Hikaru managed to get up and dizzily walked over to the bedroom.


You and Kaoru were at an event with the host club.  He left to work and you started stuffing your face with the fancy desserts layed out. 

"Y/N!" He ran up to you with a glass in his hand. 

"What's up?" You swallowed a bite of cake.  He bumped into you and spilled some of his drink on you.

"Oh, sorry!  I'll go get some napkins..." He reached onto the dessert table and grabbed onto a white frosted cake.

"Ew...  Guess that wasn't a napkin." He searched the table.  You sniffed at the stain that had appeared.  It smelled of alcohol.

"Kaoru, have you been drinking?" You asked.

"Of course not!  I would never!" He looked at you and smiled.  He then falls backwards and lands on his bum.

"Let's go home.  It's getting late." You helped him up and he stumbled with you to his car.  You drove home of course.


Mori was at a party with the host club and you stayed at home.  Morning came home that night with purple stains on his shirt.

"Mori?  Is that wine on your shirt?" You asked him.

"Yeah." He said dizzily. 

"At least you told the truth." You said as he walked away.  He ran into the bedroom door in his way inside and you couldn't help but laugh.


You and Hunny were at a host club party together.  You sat at your table with a slice of cake when Hunny came back from working.

"Y/N...  My head hurts..." He hiccuped and held onto your arm.

"What's that in your cup?" You asked.

"Grape juice..." He slurred.

"Hunny, this isn't grape juice...  It's wine..." You concluded after sniffing the liquid.  He started to vomit on the floor and everyone turned your way.  You sighed and picked him up after he finished and took him to his car and took him home.

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