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You woke up to the smell of pancakes. You followed the smell and went into the kitchen, only to find complete chaos!

"Y/N HELP!" Tamaki yelled and dove into your arms


You woke up on Christmas day, expecting a surprise from Kyoya. You went into his office, where he was typing away on his computer, like usual.

"Merry Christmas~" You smiled.

"Happy holidays to you, too." He said, not looking away from his computer.

"Soooo... Did you plan anything for today?" You asked.


"Why?" You whined.

"Well isn't Christmas a children's holiday?" He took his eyes away from his computer to look at you.

"Of course not!" You said.

"Well, if you want to celebrate I can take you out for dinner tonight." He sighed.

"Yay~!" You tackled him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.


You were sitting on the couch waiting for Hikaru to wake up. You were staring at your present, which was sitting under the Christmas tree. You grew more impatient by the minute, until you finally decided to peek. You crawled on the ground towards the present and carefully peeled off a tiny corner of the box, only to be met by a huge burst of confetti!

"Ha! Gotcha!" You heard Hikaru say. You shook your head to get the confetti off and looked over to see Hikaru laughing at you.

"Ugh! Look at this mess! We'll be cleaning this confetti out of the house for years!" You swept the confetti into a little pile.

"Then you shouldn't have peeked!" Hikaru got up from the couch and walked over to you with a small box in his hand. "Here's your actual present..." He blushed slightly as you took it. You cautiously unwrapped it.

"Aw, thanks!" You got up from the floor and gave Hikaru a kiss, but then tossed a handful of confetti in his face as revenge.


You were walking inside the house and looking fro your key when you suddenly felt something hit you head, followed by a chill. You looked around to see who'd thrown it and found Kaoru in a snow fort.

"THIS IS SPARTA!" He yelled as he bombarded you with snowballs.

"Eh?! Stop! That's cold!" You laughed as you were hit by the snowballs. You ran behind the side of the house and made some snowballs, then chucked them at him. The fight lasted for hours.


You and Mori were decorating your Christmas tree. You both had almost finished, and Mori was in the other side of the tree while you tried to reach the top to put the star on top. You almost had it, but you felt strong hands grab you and raise you up. You looked down and seen it was Mori. You placed the star on top of the tree and he set you back down.

"Thanks." You said, chuckling a little.


You were making Christmas cookies for some of your friends at school. You had just taken them out of the oven and Hunny ran into the room and latched onto your leg like a magnet.

"I WANT SOME!" He yelled.

"Yours are still in the oven. These ones are for someone else." You said.

"BUT I WANT THEM NOW!" He bit onto your leg.

"Ow! Okay! You can have some!" You gave into him and handed him some cookies, which he sucked into his mouth like a vacuum. Then he ran off happily.

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