You paint his nails

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"Hey, Y/N?" Tamaki said as you were painting your finger nails.

"What's up?" You replied, gently blowing on your pink nails.

"I want pretty nails!" He pouted.  You were surprised that a guy would want painted nails, but then again, Tamaki isn't like other guys...

"I'll paint them if you want." You said.  You screwed the cap back on the nail polish you were using.

"Yay!~ I want turquoise!" He sat on the couch and gave you his hand.  You used the turquoise paint to color his nails, then put little diamond-like jewels on them.  You did this on his finger nails as well as his toe nails.

"Looks about done." You said, screwing the cap back on the polish and putting it in your bag.

"They're adorable!  I'd better show everyone!" Tamaki said, grabbing his phone and taking various selfies with his new nails.


Kyoya made the mistake of falling asleep on the couch... Revenge time!  You grabbed some black nail polish and snuck up to the sleeping Kyoya.  He carefully grabbed his hand and painted it, blowing it dry.  After all ten fingers were done, you snuck away and giggled.  Now we wait for him to wake up...

"Y/N?!" You heard Kyoya yell from the bedroom.  You giggled before running into the room.

"What's up?" You asked, as if you were oblivious.

"What the hell did you do with my nails?!" He said.  Now you knew you fucked up.  He had a very dark aura surrounding him.  Then you ran.  Far, far, away.


"Hey, Hikaru?  I need to practice painting nails." You said to Hikaru, who was lounging on the couch.

"So?" He replied, dismissing you.

"I work better when I'm using someone else's hands." You said.  Then it hit him.

"Well you're not using mine." He put his book he was reading down and crossed his arms.

"Pleeeease?" You begged.

"No way."





You then painted Hikaru's nails a bright orange.  Then put sparkly jewels on them. 

"Why'd I agree to this..?" He sighed, looking at his sparkly orange nails.


"Kaoru?  Can I paint your nails?" You asked bluntly.

"Uh, why exactly?" He asked.

"Because it'll make you cuter?" You said.  You didn't really have a specific reason.  You just felt the urge to paint someones nails.

"I guess..." He said, giving you his hand.  You painted purple and blue stripes on the boys nails. 

"All done!" You said, proud of your work.

"Cool..." He said, having mixed emotions about his fabufied nails.


"Let me see your nails." You asked Mori.  He put his huge hand in yours and you painted little animal faces on each of his fingers.  Birds, racoons, lions, tigers, bears...

"How are they?" You asked the male, who hadn't spoken a word the whole time.

"Cute..." He responded, looking at the cute little animals painted onto his nails.


"Y/N!  Those are sooo cute!  I want mine to match!" Hunny said, admiring your flowery nails. 

"Oh, okay!" You said to the innocent boy.  You started painting pretty pink flowers on his nails. 

"All done." You said, tapping his dried nails.

"Pretty!" He said innocently, grabbing Usa-chan and showing him his flowered nails.

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