You look through their phone

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Tama had just left your house and went home.  You sat on the couch when you felt something hard under you.  You pulled it out from under you and it was Tamaki's phone!  Out of curiosity, you turned it on.  It didn't have a password either.  You set the phone on a table.  You didn't want to be a creep. 

After a few seconds of staring at the TV, your curiosity got the best of you and you turned the phone back on. 

Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary.  Just some clicker games...  Social media...  You spotted the gallery and took a peek.  Inside were tons of pictures of the host club, you, and his dog.   You also found some pictures of kittens, puppies​, and other small animals.

Just then you heard a knock at your door.  It was probably Tamaki.  You quickly turned the phone off and ran to the door.

"Did I leave my cell here?" He asked, scratching his neck.

"Oh, yeah, here." You handed him the phone.

"Thanks!  See you later, princess!" He smiled, walking towards his limo.


You were hanging out at Kyoya's house.  He was typing away at his phone while you watched YouTube.  He left to go use the restroom and left his phone sitting on the couch unlocked.  As soon as he left the room, you snatched the phone up and began searching through it.

A generic grey background was displayed behind an array of apps.  Some where social media, others were calculators and note taking apps.  You spotted the gallery and decided to take a peek. 

It seemed rather boring, just some screenshots is all.  You swiped through them.  Graphs and numbers and big words you didn't understand.  You left the app. 

You scrolled through once more and noticed he had two calculators.  Both of them looked almost exactly the same.  You recognized one as one of those hidden photo folders.  You opened it and tried to think of a code for it.  His birthday perhaps?  You entered the numbers, and to your surprise, it unlocked.  What was inside was even more surprising.  Loads and loads of hentai was inside. 

'I didn't know Kyoya was into this...' You thought as you scrolled between the photos.  You suddenly felt as if a pair of eyes were drilling into the back of your head.  You looked behind you and seen Kyoya behind you.  And he did not look happy... 

"I believe that is my phone?" He said.  A dark aura surrounding him.

"Oh, really?  I thought it was mine.  Sorry..." You handed him the phone.  He stayed silent.

"I'll be leaving now!  Talk to you later, kay?" You grabbed your belongings and went home, leaving Kyoya seething with rage.


You and Hikaru were at the mall shopping.  You were currently having lunch at chatting while he scrolled through his phone.

"I'll be right back." Hikaru said, setting his phone on the table and walking towards the bathroom.  You glanced down at the cell and noticed it was unlocked.  You smirked as you grabbed it and browsed its contents. 

Splayed across the screen was a rather... Lewd background...  You looked through the apps and seen several games, that wasn't a big surprise.  You opened the gallery and found a few more ecchi.  Along with some screenshots of game guides.

You seen Hikaru exit the bathroom and quickly exited all of the apps you had opened, turned the phone off, and set it down on the table. 

"Anything interesting happen while I was gone?" He asked, oblivious to what you had done.

"Nope." You replied, trying to act natural.


You were hanging around at Kaoru's mansion.  It was around lunch time, and you both were deciding where to get take out at. 

"I'll go get lunch then, you stay here." He said, leaving his room.  His phone was left on the bed, still with a list of take out places displayed on the screen.  You debated whether or not to give it to him before he left, but you decided not to.

You picked up the phone and seen a picture of two flowers displayed behind his applications.  One flower was blue, whilst the other was orange.  You scrolled through the phone and didn't find anything out of the ordinary.  Just some social media and a few games.  You looked through everything- his gallery, texts, social media- with nothing out of the ordinary.  You eventually got bored and turned the phone off, setting it back on the bed where it originally was.


You both were lounging about at your house.  Relaxing at watching TV while eating popcorn. 

"Be right back." Mori said after some commercials came on.  You nodded.  You noticed Mori's phone sitting on the table and picked it up.  You'd always wondered what the stoic man could be hiding inside of his phone. 

You turned it on, and to your surprise, there was to password.  You unlocked it and spotted a picture of you, standing under a cherry blossom tree and smiling.  There actually weren't many apps on there.  Only a couple social media apps.  You seen some notifications lined up at the top of the screen.  Most of them were from his calendar​.

[ Say hi to Y/N
[ Eat lunch
[ Read a book
[ Watch SpongeBob

This guy really has his life planned out.  You giggled to yourself.  You opened Ed his gallery and scrolled through the countless photos of you.  You also found a ton of pictures of animals. 

You heard Mori's heavy footsteps from down the hall and quickly turned the phone back off, setting it back on the table.  He sat on the couch as if nothing had happened, and you both continued watching TV.


You and Hunny were eating cake and sipping tea in his pastel pink and blue tearoom, which was filled with stuffed animals.

"Uh oh, looks like we're out of cake.  I'll go get us some more!" Hunny said, skipping out of the room.  You spotted his phone on the table and picked it up.  You turned it on and was greeted by a bunny patterned background.  It didn't have a password, so you unlocked it and started scrolling through it. 

A few games were scattered on the screen.  Most of them were either virtual pets or cake making games.  Along with a few social media apps.

You opened his gallery and seen a few screenshotted recipes for sweets.  Along with some pictures of cakes and animals.  A few pictures of you and him were scattered in between.

You heard Hunny's footsteps and turned off the phone.  You set it down just as Hunny walked in, balancing a three layer cake in his arms, and set it in the middle of the table.

"This one's strawberry!" He said, smiling and taking a slice out for you both.

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