You get wet

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You and Tamaki were peacefully walking through the school's garden when you were sprayed by a hose.  You gasped and looked up at the boy who sprayed you, who laughed at you.  It was that one annoying gardening club member that had bothered you before- you despised him.

"Don't you know how disrespectful it is to spray a lady?!" Tamaki said, angrily.  He stomped over to the boy and gave him a stern lecture.  Then he took you to get a new uniform.


You and Kyoya were walking down the street after a rain storm when a car raced through a huge puddle, splashing you.  You gasped as you were drenched with water.

"Ah, that's unfortunate." He said, rubbing his temples.  He had also gotten slightly splashed, but not nearly as much as you.

"Ugh...  Now I have to run home to change..." You rung out your dress as you angrily turned around.


Hikaru snuck into Y/N's bathroom, sneaking past her as she slept.  It was April 1st, and he was going to enjoy it to the fullest.  He entered the bathroom and stuck a strip of clear tape over the faucet, so that when she'd turn it on, she'd get sprayed with water.  Then he snuck out and waited at her door for her alarm to go off, then she'd get up to use the sink, and he'd be right there to watch her reaction.

You woke up on a seemingly normal day.  You picked up your phone and rubbed your sleepy eyes.  April 1st.  The date didn't exactly click in your brain though, so you had no idea the havoc that was about to unfold throughout the day.

You walked into your bathroom and turned the sink on, then the water sprayed in your face, your clothes, and all over the floor.  You quickly turned it off, ripping the invisible tape off of the faucet.

"Hikaru?!" You yelled, watching the water drip off of your clothes.

"What's up?"  He asked, peeking through the door with a smirk on his face.

"You know what's up." You said, showing him the tape.  He giggled at you.

"You should've payed more attention to what you're doing." He said, handing you a towel.  You sighed and shoved him out, closing the door.


You and Kaoru were walking to class together.  When you opened the door, a bucket of water fell on your head.

"What the hell?!" You said, looking at your soaked uniform.

"What the hell Hikaru!?" Kaoru said angrily, stomping towards his twin brother who was leaning against the wall and laughing.

"Calm down, it's just a prank bro." Hikaru backed away as you both chased him while looking absolutely pissed.

Let's just say you both got revenge.


You and Mori were walking to school together when a yard sprinkler went off as you walked past it.  You got soaking wet.

"Let's go." He said, pulling your arm.  He brought you to the school's locker room and grabbed you a spare uniform.


Hunny sent you out on an emergency cake run before a storm.  You didn't even think about grabbing an umbrella, so you ran home in the pouring rain.  When you finally got home, Hunny opened the door for you.

"Y/N-chan?  Why're you all wet?" Hunny asked as you stepped inside, dripping all over the floor.

"It's raining out..." You said, setting the slightly wet cake on the counter.

"Oh yeeeaaah..." He said, looking out the window.  "Y'know...  Since you're all wet anyway...  Why don't we go out and play?" He said, taking a bite of his cake.

"I guess we can." You said, smiling.  You both went outside and played in the rain, getting absolutely soaked.  And then you both felt as if you had a cold the next day, but it was worth it.

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