You build a pillow fort with them

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It was a laid back day and you both were bored.  You and Tamaki we're chilling out on the couch boredly.

"Let's watch a movie or something" You suggested to Tamaki.

"That sounds like a great idea!  Let's build a commoner fort to watch it in!" Tamaki said, excitedly tossing couch cushions and blankets onto the floor.

"Sounds fun!" You got on the floor and assembled a cozy pillow fort just large enough for the both of you. 

"What movie do you want to watch?" You asked as he crawled into the fort with you.  But then it collapsed onto both of you and you had to rebuild it.


It was a boring day at home and Kyoya was typing away at his laptop. 

"I'm bored..." You said, hanging upside down off of the bed.

"Is there anything you want to do with me?" Kyoya closed his laptop and smiled at you.

"I've always wanted to build a fort with you and watch a movie..." You held your hand on your chin.

"Childish, but if you want to I will comply." Kyoya tossed and you gathered all the pillows, blankets, and seat cushions in the house and threw them into a pile, then build them into a fort built for a king and his queen.

"I have to admit, this is quite comfy." Kyoya said, turning on a movie for the both of you to watch.

"It sure is!" You snuggled deeply into the bedding and watched the the movie with Kyoya by your side.


"I'm so booooored* Hikaru complained as he slumped off of the couch.

"Is there anything you want to do?" You asked Hikaru with a plan in mind.

"I wouldn't be complaining if I had any ideas." He flopped onto the floor.

"Let's build a fort then!" You said, eagerly tossing the couch cushions onto Hikaru, who flinched as they were thrown at him.

"Isn't that for kids?  Let's play video games instead." He sat up, tossing some pillows to the side.

"So is Pokemon.  Just because something is for kids doesn't mean it can't be fun!" You playfully threw a plushy at him, which bounced off of his head.

"True.  But this better be fun..." He started arranging the bedding with you into a fort.  After it was done, you both settled in and played some video games.  But the fort eventually collapsed, you both were too lazy to fix it though so you both just buried yourselves in the mountain of pillows.


"Catch me of you can, I'm the ginger bread man!" You said, firmly grasping a pillow in your hands as you ran throughout his mansion, skillfully dodging maids as they tended the house.

"We'll see about that!" Kaoru chased after you.  He knew the place better than you, so he cornered you in the theater, and slowly approached you with the blue pillow.

"Can't run away now, huh~?" He had a devilish smirk on his face as he smacked you playfully.  You giggled and tried to fight back.  Then, you both eventually got tired and collapsed on the couch in the theater.

"I'm beat!" You said, flopping onto the sofa.

"Same." He smacked you playfully on your arm with his pillow.

"Let's put these pillows to good use and make a fort, then we could chill and watch a movie or something." You suggested.

"Count me in." Kaoru said as you both started gathering all the bedding in the house- including two mattresses- and built a massive fort.  Then you both watched a movie and fell asleep in the comfy castle.


"Mori!  I'm so bored!" You whined to the stoic male.

"Want to go to the park?" He suggested.

"But it's too hot out." You said, adjusting the air conditioner's settings.

"Wait a sec..." Mori said, getting up.  He returned soon after with a ton of pillows and blankets.

"Ooh!  Are you making a blanket fort?" You asked, he nodded.

"Lemme help..." You said, helping Mori create the fort.  Once it was finished, you both started reading inside.


"Y/N!  Help me build a cake castle!" Hunny said, running up to you.

"A cake castle?" You said curiously.  Hunny led you to a pile of blankets and cushions.  'So that's where my bedding went...' You thought to yourself.

"Help me put up the cake walls!" Hunny said, giving you a cushion.  You wondered why Hunny was calling the pillows cake.  Perhaps because they're squishy?

Soon the castle was done and you both crawled in and played castle inside of it.

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