He calls you a weird name

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You and Tamaki left school and began walking down the sidewalk. At the part where you Tamaki usually leaves to catch his limo, you stopped him.

"Hey can I hitch a ride home?" You asked.

"Of course, butterface." He said, opening the door to the limo for you.

"What does that mean..?" You said as you climbed in.

"Don't worry about it." Was all he said. He climbed into the car with you and had his driver take you home.


"Hey, can I borrow that?" You asked Kyoya, pointing to his stapler.

"Of course, Macaroni." He said, giving you the stapler.

"What?" You said, taking the tool from him.

"I said you could use it." He repeated.

"I mean what did you just call me..?" You asked.

"Y/N." He said.

"Okay..." You stapled your paper and set it back on his desk, then leaving the room. Macaroni..? What's that supposed to mean...


You and Hikaru were sitting on the couch.

"Hey, Crunchy." He said, looking at you.

"Crunchy..?" You said, confused.

"What?" He replied.

"What?" You said back. He just looked back at his laptop and ignored you. What the hell is Crunchy supposed to mean...


You were on your way inside after going grocery shopping. You held the door for Kaoru as he carried the bags inside.

"Thanks, Sweetcheeks." He said, smiling to himself.

"What's that supposed to mean..?" You said, blushing slightly.

"I have no idea." He blushed as he started putting away the groceries. You giggled to yourself and started to help him.


Mori was in the kitchen, making supper. You waited at the table patiently on your phone.

"Munchkin." He said, handing you your plate.

"Munchkin..?" You said confused. Mori just sat silently across from you and started to eat. You decided to ignore it and then started eating your food.


"Do you want a slice of cake, Girly?" Hunny said.

"You talking to me?" You asked, confused.

"Yup!" He said.

"I guess..?" You replied. Hunny slid a slice of cake your direction and you ate it confusedly.

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