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It was early evening and you'd just eaten dinner.  You were sleeping off the food on the couch. 

"Y/N?  Did you forget what day it is?" You heard Tamaki say.  You opened your eyes and seen him in a vampire costume.

"Tuesday?" You said.

"Yes...  But it's also Halloween!" He said.

"Oh, right." You turned around and closed your eyes again.  You stopped Trick or Treating a while ago because you thought you'd look strange.

"Aren't you going to change into your costume?" He said with a little disappointment in his voice.

"Costume..?  Yeah.  Yeah I'll go change." The truth was you didn't plan a costume, but you didn't want to disappoint Tamaki.  You went into your room and started digging through your closet.  You managed to find a fancy looking dress that you wore to a host club party a while ago.  You put it on along with some jewelry and a tiara.  Then you went out to meet Tamaki.  He was eagerly waiting for you.

"Beautiful!  But I think I recognise that dress from somewhere...  Must've just been in my dreams!" He held your hand and escorted you outside.  Thank God he didn't remember.  When he opened the door for you, a pumpkin carriage was waiting in front of your house.  He was up to his outrageous shenanigans once again.  Kyoya was probably stressing over his laptop this very moment.  You both sat in the carriage and starting strolling down the road.  Little kids pointed at you as Tamaki eagerly searched for houses with lights on- indicating that the house had sweets.  After a few hours, the carriage was filled with candy and you couldn't even carry any more so you went home.  


It was October 31st- Halloween.  You really wanted to celebrate with Kyoya, but he was busy in his office.  You slipped on a pair of cat ears and snuck into Kyoya's office.  He didn't notice you as you crawled up and rested your chin on his desk.

"Do you need something?" He asked.

"Trick or treat!" You smiled.

"Feel free to ask the maids for food." He continued typing on his desktop.

"But I want treats from you..." You made puppy dog eyes.  Or in this case, kitty cat eyes.  He reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a lollipop.  He gave it to you and you took it, unwrapped it and popped it in your mouth.  After a few seconds, a horrible taste erupted in your mouth.

"What the hell is this?!" You spat it into the garbage can.

"Just a dead fish flavored candy." He smirked and kept his eyes on his monitor.  You ran out of the room and brushed your teeth to try to get the taste out of your mouth.


You woke up on Halloween day and walked down to the kitchen for some breakfast.  You rubbed your eyes and walked inside.  All of a sudden something black fell from above the doorway and fell on you.  Spiders?!

"EEK!" You screamed as you tried to sweep the spiders off of you.  They fell to the floor and scattered around the room.  You could hear the familiar devilish laugh from the other room.

"HIKARU YOU IDIOT THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!" You grabbed his water gun he left on the counter and filled it up at the sink before running after him.  You were going to get him back somehow...


You and Kaoru had been planning trick or treating for months.  Today was the day that plan would be put into action.  The map was layed out, and you both had on your costumes.  You read over the plan once more before grabbing your pillow cases and running through the streets.  Being the clumsy person you are, you tripped over the sidewalk many times.  But your bloody knees didn't stop you from filling your pillow cases at the end of the night. 


It was Halloween night, and instead of roaming the streets in search of candy you decided to spend the night in with Mori.  You sat at the table with Mori with a plump orange pumpkin in front of you.  Mori was silently shaving away at his pumpkin while you carved ragged edges on yours.  You finally sliced the last chunk of pumpkin off and turned it around to show Mori.  A classic pumpkin face with triangle eyes.  He turned his around to reveal a portrait of you and him together.

"Wow!  That's amazing!" Your eyes gleaned at his masterpeice.  He smiled back at you.


"Wait for me, Hunny!" You said as you chased after him.  He had bolted out of the door the second the clock hit 5.  He ran back over to you and climbed onto your shoulder and you both started walking down the streets.  You trick or treated for hours until it was pitch black out.  You both went home. 

"Hunny it's time for bed...  Where did your candy go?" You asked, noticing the empty bag.

"I ate it." He said and smiled.

"What?!  How- never mind.  Just make sure you brush your teeth." You said.  He skipped to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

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