You both get lost

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"Are you sure we're going the right way?" You asked Tamaki.  You were trying to find the twins' house through some vague directions they sent you by a text.  But it only led you into a lush green forest...

"Of course!". You just sighed.  You'd been to the twins' house before and it was no where near a forest. 

"Tamaki, I think they pranked you..." You said to the blonde. 

"Why would they do something like that?  I'm sure they just moved to a cozy little cabin in the woods!" You couldn't believe how idiotic he could be sometimes...

"I could think of a million reasons why they'd get us lost in the woods...  And I doubt they moved." You sighed.

"Well we'll find out soon!  The last turn is up ahead!" He said confidently.  You turned the corner and... nothing was there.  Surprise surprise!

"That's impossible!  Perhaps they just said turn right instead of left?" Tamaki facetimed the twins.  They both answered and Tamaki explained your situation. 

"Oh my god you actually fell for it!  You idiot!" They both fell to the floor, clutching their stomachs laughing. 


"Kyoya?  Where are we?" You asked your boyfriend.  You both were peacefully hiking gin the woods, but his phone, which had your map on it, died...

"Well... I'm not quite sure..." He looked up at the sky, a slightly worried expression on his face.

"I guess we should just retrace our steps then." You both headed back from where you came, but you only got more lost.  While trying to cross a river, you fell in, getting yourself soaked.  Luckily your clothes weren't see through.

"Why don't we charge my phone with this solar powered charger I brought, then I could call someone to pick us up." He smirked at you.

"You're telling me that we've been lost for hours, i fell in a river, tripped three times, got bit up by mosquitos, and got poison ivy on my ankles, just for you to have had a solar charger this whole time?!" You yelled at him.

"I wanted to be entertained, that's all." He plugged his phone into the charger and turned it on.

"Ugh... Just get me home so I could change..." You ringed out your shirt. 


"Are you sure there's an island nearby?" You asked Hikaru.  You were in a boat in the middle of the ocean, looking for a strange small island.

"For the final time, yes." he said picking up the map, only for the island to mysteriously fall off the map and onto the table.  You picked up the 'island'.

"Hikaru... This is a potato chip..." You sighed.

"No way!  Now we're lost and it's your fault!" Hikaru spat.

"My fault?!  You're the one driving us in the middle of the ocean trying to find a potato chip!" You said.

"You were eating potato chips earlier!  Just try to keep the food in your mouth next time." Hikaru used the compass on his phone to get back to shore. 


"How did we even get here?" The ginger said.  You were trying to find a mountain doggo, but ended up in a strange canyon.

"It's a mountain doggo habitat!  Do you have any food in your backpack?" You asked.

"Lemme see... I have a granola bar... and some candy." Kaoru dug into his backpack.

"That'll have to do." You said, grabbing the food from him, opening it up and setting a doggo trap with it. 

"Now we wait." You dragged him into a bush and waited for the doggo to appear.  About three day passed, without any sign of anything. 

"Face it, Y/N.  There's no such thing as a mountain doggo.  We just wasted our time sitting on a mountain, wasting my snacks." Kaoru grabbed his phone to call Kyoya.  He's smart, he should be able to get you both home.

"You just need to believe!  You're not believing in the mountain doggo!" You pulled on his arm.

"I believe that you need to go to the hospital." Just then, a helicopter appeared, which took you both home.

// Idek what I'm doing.  I'm running out of ways to get lost...


"Mori... We've been driving for hours..." You complained.  You were hungry, thirsty, tired, and was dizzy.  You were trying to find the grocery store, but it seemed you'd been driving in circles for hours...

"I think we're lost..." Mori said.  You pulled out your phone and checked the map, only to realize you'd been driving on a roundabout for the past two hours.

"Mori... We've been on a roundabout this whole time!" You said, showing him the map.  He looked around and realized that indeed, he'd been driving in a circle this whole time... 


"Hey, Y/N-chan!  Let's explore that cat shaped cave!" Hunny said, dragging you into the dark cave.  Before long, you both were lost in the darkness.

"Y/N!  It's dark!  I'm scared!" Hunny latched onto your leg.

"I'm sure we'll find our way out." You said, feeling the caves' walls.  You felt a small shelf on the wall, and on it was a flashlight.  Almost as if someone left it if they got lost.  You flipped it on and shone it around.  Revealing your path, and allowing you both to escape.

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