Painting workshop

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// Y'all are at one of those classes where you paint one half of the picture and your partner paints the other.  It's cute, I wanted to write about it.


"Do you need help, princess?" Tamaki asked.  He insisted that you both go to a painting workshop that he'd seen in the newspaper. 

"No thanks, I can manage..." You replied, concentrating heavily on the canvas in front of you.  Tamaki was about finished with his side, but you were only half way done...  You were painting a pretty red rose. 

"I think it's finished." You finally said, putting your paintbrush in a jar of water.  Tamaki's​ side was perfect in every way, whereas yours was slightly abnormal.  But it looked okay.

"It's beautiful!  We're definitely hanging this up when we get home." Tamaki said, giving you a kiss on the cheek.


"Hey, Kyoya!  Look at this painting workshop!  We should totally go!" You excitedly said to Kyoya, who was writing in his notebook.

"I suppose we could." He replied, smiling at you. 

At the class, you both decided to paint the Eiffel tower.  Kyoya was very experienced with painting, unlike you.

"I think I'm about finished...  And you..?" You asked, slightly embarrassed at how unrealistic your side was. 

"Same.  We should do this more often." Kyoya said, side hugging you and kissing your cheek.

"Yeah." You blushed.


"Just so you know, I suck at painting..." Hikaru said, grabbing a brush from a cup.

"Same with me.  So what do you want to paint?" You asked, grabbing a paint brush as well.

"Hmm...  A tree?  An autumn one?" He said.

"Sounds good to me." You replied as you started painting the base of the tree.  After a very very long time, and lots of 'dammit's being whispered from Hikaru, you finally put the finishing touches on the painting. 

"That turned out better than expected." Hikaru said, sitting back in his chair and admiring the art.


"This place has a nice feel to it." Kaoru said as he sat in a chair and admired the architecture.

"Sure does.  So what do you want to paint?" You asked, smiling at the ginger.

"How about some pancakes?" He said, tapping his brush against his lip.

"I knew you'd say that." You said, starting to paint a plate on the canvas.  Kaoru followed, and before long, the painting was finished.

"This make me hungry." Kaoru chuckled.

"Me too.  Let's go to lunch." You said, holding Kaoru by the hand and leading him out.


"Hehe... You have paint on your face, Mori!" You giggled as you tried to wipe the green paint off of the stoic male.  He cracked a little smile.  You were painting a birds nest. 

"Are you almost done?" You asked Mori, placing your brush in its jar.

"Yeah." He put his brush with yours, dying the water a murky brown.

"Will you help me hang it up when we get home?  I'm probably too short..." You asked the tall male, who nodded in response.

"Yay!~" You hugged Mori.  Who smiled at your adorableness.


"Y/N-chan!!!  Let's draw a cake with flowers and strawberries and bunnies on it!" Hunny eagerly said, splatting the paint on the page.  The paint trickled onto your half. 

"Hunny!  Please be a little more careful!  You're getting paint everywhere!" You giggled.  Despite Hunny's aimless splattering, his half actually looked better than yours. 

"Great job, Y/N!  Let's go get some dessert, this painting sure does make me hungry!" Hunny said, dragging you out.

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