They help you reach something

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'I must reach the Nutella... But looking up from here, it looks like climbing mount Everest...' You thought, staring up at the jar of peanut buttery goodness that was on the highest shelf.  Tamaki must have put it there... 

You started to climb the counter when Tamaki seen you and grabbed the jar from the shelf.

"I wouldn't want my princess to be getting hurt~" He said as he handed you the jar.  You thanked him and left to eat.


You were in the library looking for (Favorite book).  You spotted it on the highest shelf of the bookcase, which was way too tall for you to reach without the ladder.  You grabbed the ladder and tried to reach, but it was still too far. 

"Hey, Kyoya?  Can you help me reach that book?" You called for the megane, who was currently reading the newspaper.  He climbed up the ladder and grabbed the book for you.  Then left a perverted remark-

"Your panties look good from that angle." You said into your ear, making you blush like a tomato.  He only smirked in response.


You were trying to cook a simple bag of popcorn for the both of you, but the corn was in the highest shelf.  You tried hopping on the counter, but you couldn't do that either.

"Hey, Hikaru?  I can't reach it..." You called, embarrassed.  He arrived and helped you snatch the corn. 

"You really are hopeless, aren't you?" He teased, holding the corn high enough that you had to reach high to grab it.


You were trying to dust the ceiling fan but you couldn't reach, even with your duster. 

"Kaoru?  Could you help me clean the fan?" You called.  The ginger then kneeled down, allowing you to get on his shoulders so you could easily wipe the dusty fan off.  But then all the dust made Kaoru sneeze, making you both fall.  Luckily you were both okay. 


You were doing laundry at Mori's house when you realized the detergent was on a super high shelf.  Literally everything in his house is super high up, since he's so tall.  You sighed and attempted to reach the shelf, but not long in Mori appeared at your side and helped you. 

"Thanks." You replied.  He even went through the trouble of making the shelf lower so you could reach it


You and Hunny stared intensly at the box if cake mix that was in the cupboard.  You both were too short to reach it, so you were devising a plan.

"Got it!" Hunny said, as if a lightbulb went off in his head.  He motioned for you to back away, and he jumped like 10 feet in the air and snatched the mix.  You clapped as he handed you the box.

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