They go to the dog park

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// Dog parks are da sheet- o(≧∇≦o)


You both were walking around the neighborhood when you spotted a dog park.

"TAMAKI LOOK A GERMAN SHEPHERD!" You yelled, pointing to a dog inside the park.

"I WANT TO PET IT LET'S GO!" He said, dragging you inside. 

When you got inside, you both were ambushed by dogs.  Tamaki dove into the sea of dogs and cuddled with them.

When you left you both were covered in dog fur and slobber.  But it was worth it.


You and Kyoya were walking down the street when you found a dog park and begged Kyoya to come with.  He didn't want to go, but you dragged him in anyway.

"Hurry up.  It smells in here." Kyoya sighed, scribbling in his notebook.  You grabbed a stick and walked over to Kyoya.

"Here, throw it!" You said, holding the stick out for him.

"No.  It's covered in slobber." He said coldly. 

"Do it." You said intimidatingly.  He sighed and held the stick with two fingers, then tossed it a few feet in front of him.  A little Chihuahua picked it up and trotted back to him, dropping the stick and wiggling his tail cutely.  Kyoya ignored him and you sighed, picking up the stick and playing with it.


"Is that a...  dog park..?" You said, stopping in your tracks and staring at the wide open space that was filled with dogs.

"I think so, why?" Hikaru said.  You grabbed his arm and dragged him into the dog park by his wrist.

"Hikaru!  Look at all of them!  So cute!" You said, kneeling down and petting a herd of dogs that had swarmed around you both.

"I guess they're kinda cute..." He said, petting one of the dogs. 


"Kao!  Look!  A dog park!" You said, eagerly pointing to the park.

"Whoa!  Let's go!" He said.  You both ran into the park, where you were greeted by a herd of dogs.

"Oh my gawd they're adorable!" Kaoru said, petting a super fluffy dog.  He picked up a stick and threw it.  The dog ran after it and caught it mid air, then brought it back to him.

"Oh my gawd he actually fetches it!" He said, throwing the stick again.  You both stayed in that park until evening, when all the dogs had left.


"Mori!  Look!  A dog park!  Can we go in?  Please?" You asked, tugging on his arm.

"No." He said coldly.

"Why noooot?" You whined.

"You'll get bit." He said.

"Mori, I'm not gonna get bit.  I'll just ask before I pet them!" You said.  He sighed and walked with you into the dog park.  Where he sat while you played with the dogs.


"Hunny!  Look!  A dog park!" You said, pointing to the park eagerly.

"Wow!  Let's go in!" Hunny said.  You ran inside the dog park. 

"Wah!  He's eating my face!' Hunny laughed as a chocolate lab licked his face.

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