You get hurt

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"I'm getting something to drink.  You want anything?" You asked, standing up from the couch.

"Just some water, please." He smiled.  You started walking to the kitchen when you kicked the side if the couch.

"Ow..." You held your foot.

"You're so clumsy, princess." Tamaki said, sitting you down and looking at your foot.


You were skimming through your school book when you got a paper cut.

"Ow, shit..." You held your finger.  This wasn't any baby paper cut, it was a bad one.

"Ah, I hate when that happens." Kyoya said, typing away in his laptop.


You and Hikaru had bought a new TV and were carrying it into the house.  This wasn't no normal sized TV though, it was huge.  You struggled to carry it and halfway to the house you dropped your end and it smashed your foot.

"Ow!" You said, holding your foot.

"Damn, are you okay?" Hikaru said, setting the TV down.

"Yeah it just hurts like hell..." You said, picking up the TV again.


"Hey, Y/N?  Can you come here?" Kaoru called from the bedroom.  You walked through the doorway but bumped your shoulder on the dresser, which was right next to the door.

"Ow..." You held your shoulder.  There was definitely going to be a bruise.

"Are you okay?" Kaoru said, pulling up the sleeve of your shirt to look at your shoulder.

"Yeah...  But since when was the dresser right there?" You asked.  You never recalled the dresser being there...

"Oh, yeah, that's why I called you in.  I rearranged the room!" He said, proud of his work.

"Kaoru what the hell did you do to our room put it back." You said.  He sighed and began putting the furniture back to where it was before.


You and Mori were searching for something in the shed.  You ran your fingers along the old wooden walls when you felt something prick your skin. 

"Shit!" You cursed, snapping your finger back.  A tiny sliver of wood was stuck in the pad of your finger.  Mori walked over to you, grabbed your finger, and but the sliver out, then continued doing what he was doing.


You were baking some cupcakes.  You waited impatiently for them to cool off so you could frost them.  It'd been about 10 minutes, so you figured the tray at least was cool, so you went to grab the tray, but burned yourself on it.

"Damnit!" You cursed, holding your hand. 

"Y/N-chan are you okay?" Hunny said, innocently looking at your hand.   You felt ashamed that you'd swore in front of him. 

"Yeah, I'm fine..." You sighed, turning the cold water on and cooling your burn.

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