They go hunting / fishing

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Tamaki on a whim decided to drag you on a camping trip.  A few minutes into the trip and you'd already built the tent all by yourself and Tamaki had gotten a rash from poison ivy.

"Hey, look, a pond!  Let's try to catch us some dinner the old fashioned way!" Tamaki said, scratching at his leg.

"But we brought food with us." You gave Tamaki some lotion out of your backpack.

"But that's not as fun!  We need to experience the outdoors the same way people did millions of years ago!" He held your shoulders as he spoke to you.

"Fine... But we didn't bring any fishing poles..." You said. 

"We'll make some then!" Tamaki ran into the woods and starting looking for a long stick.  When he came back, he took the shoelaces off of his shoes and tied them onto the sticks, then handed you one.  Then he tied a hot dog to the end and cast it into the pond.

"You know fish don't eat hot dogs... Right?" You said.  You began to search the dirt for a worm.

"Nonsense!  Hot dogs are the same shape and color as a worm, so it has to work!" He stared intensly at the water.  You both sat until it was night, with absolutely no luck...


"It's quite nice outside, why don't we go out and catch some dinner?" Kyoya said, closing his death note.

"Yeah!  Sounds like fun." You said, getting up to get ready. 

When you arrived at the lake, you both sat down on the pier and threw your line in the water.  But you didn't realize how BORING it can get to wait for a bite.

"Kyoooya...  I'm so booooored..." You whined to Kyoya, who ignored you.

"Kyoooya..." You leaned on his shoulder.

"Shh...  You'll scare away the fish..." He said, putting a finger to your lips.

Kyoya looked over to see he had a bite.  He reeled in and a large fish hung from his hook.

"Whoa!  That thing's huge!" You examined the fish while Kyoya unhooked it and put it in the cooler.


You and Hikaru went on a camping trip.  It was the first day of the trip, and you both were deciding what to do.

"Let's see...  We could go fishing...  Hunting...  Hiking...  What do you want to do?" Hikaru said, listing some activities from a booklet.

"Let's go hunting!  I've never done it before!" You said, pointing to it on the paper.

"Hunting?  Sure.  Let's go." He said.  Then you both got up and walked in the woods, looking for an animal. 

"Look, a deer." Hikaru whispered, pointing to a deer in the distance. 

"Wow!  Get it!" You said eagerly.  Hikaru pointed his gun at the animal and shot it.  Then you both ran over to it.

"Aww!  Look at him!  He's cute." You said, petting him.


"Guess what I found." Kaoru said, walking up to you with something behind his back. 

"Is it food?" You asked.

"Somewhat I guess." He scratched his neck.

"What is it?" You tried to look behind his back.

"It's a fishing pole!" He pulled the rod out from behind him.

"We have a fishing rod?" You said.  You don't recall ever owning one.

"It was deep inside the garage.  Why don't we go use it?" He said, leaning against a table.

"Sounds like fun.  Let's go." You both got up and left.

When you arrived at the lake, you admired the nature surrounding you.  Beautiful green trees and plants surrounded you, and a large clear lake was in the center of it all.

"So how does this thing work?" Kaoru said, trying to put his line on.

"I have no idea... But it looks like you just tie it on the end maybe?" You said, trying to tie the line on. 

You both just ended up getting frustrated and leaving because you both had no idea how to fish.


You and Mori were hunting in the woods.  It had been a few hours, but not a single animal was seen.

"A bunny." Mori said, pointing a gun at the little white animal that was cutely sitting in the brush.

"NO DON'T KILL IT MORI IT'S TOO CUTE!!!" You yelled, which scared the bunny away.  Mori sighed.

"Let's just go to a  restaurant..." You said.


"Is there a fish that can eat cake?" Hunny asked as you both sat fishing on the lake. 

"I don't think so.  But I think I found one that eats worms!" You said, getting up and pulling on your rod.  A large fish splashed out of the water.

"Good job!  That's a big one!" Hunny smiled.

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