They get jealous

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"I'll be back in a second!  Don't get any cuter while I'm gone!" Tamaki ran off, bumping into the twins.  He had given you a box of cookies, but he forgot to get the milk.  So he ran to get some. 

The twins snakes next to you as you nibbled on a cookie.  They wrapped around you and leaned on your shoulders, talking into your ear.

"Hey, Y/N, those look good.  Mind if we try some?~" They said in unison. 

"Uh... Sure..." You were about to break a cookie in half, but Kaoru stopped you.

"You don't need to break a perfectly good cookie just for us.~" They then inched closer to your mouth, about to bite the cookie that was in it- But then you heard a large smack, and the gingers were gone.

"Don't you perverts ever touch my princess ever again!" He yelled, then continued to nag the twins until they were passed out on the floor.

"Your refreshments, princess.~" Tamaki calmly sat the glass of milk on the table and sat down with you.


You were minding your own business, browsing social media, when you seen a post from Tamaki that made you laugh like a hyena.  Kyoya was next to you and glared at your screen. 

"What is that idiot doing that I'm not?" Kyoya said, trying to stay expressionless.

"Oh... Nothing..." You regained your composure after hearing the jealousy in his voice.

"Then why are you laughing so much?" He said.

"Because it was funny!  Jeez Kyoya..." You left the page and traveled to YouTube.  The conversation ended after that.


You and Hikaru were on the couch.  He was on YouTube while you were staring at pictures of your husbando.  There was one particular picture that you were staring at.  One where he was shirtless.  And Hikaru noticed it.

"Is that guy more attractive than me?" Hikaru leaned his head on your shoulder, slightly hurt at the thought.

"N- No!  I... Just don't have pictures of you!  That's all!" You blushed and tried to say something logical.

"If that's the case, I could arrange for some pictures of me..." He whispered in your ear.  You blushed even more at the thought. 

"No thanks!  I'll be leaving now byyyye!" You quickly left the room.


"Let's play the 'Which one is Hikaru game!" The ginger haired twins said in unison.  They put on their hats and shuffled themselves.

"Hm...  You're Hikaru..?" You guessed.

"Correct!" Then 'Kaoru' went up to you and kissed your cheek.  You smiled, until you seen 'Hikaru' get angry.

"Why did you kiss my girlfriend?!  That wasn't part of the trick!" Then you realized that it was actually Hikaru that kissed you... Ew...

The twins began to fight, but you stopped them by kissing Kaoru on the lips and dragging him away.


You were in the host club playing tag with Tamaki.  You were 'it' and he was running away.  You were about to tag him when you tripped over a chair.  Then you fell onto the blonde in a very awkward position.  You both only giggled until Mori picked you up from on top of Tamaki. 

"That's enough for now." He set you down on your feet.


You were playing around at Hunny's house when you both decided to have a cake break.  He left the room and you continued to play with the toys.  You heard a somewhat familiar voice at the door.

"I didn't think you could get cuter, but I guess I was wrong." You seen Hunny's brother, Chika, at the door.  Before you could respond, Chika was trampled by the cake monster.

"I got you extra strawberries!" He innocently said, setting your plate in front of you.

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