They have a nightmare

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You were sleeping peacefully one night, Tamaki hugging you as you slept like he usually does. You woke up in the middle of the night and felt a tight grip on you. You looked up at Tamaki to see his face slightly clenched while he was mumbling something to himself.

"Tamaki?" You whispered to him. Suddenly, his eyes opened and his grip softened.

"Are you okay?" You asked him.

"Yeah, just a bad dream..." He smiles at you in reassurance, "I'll be right back." He got up and walked towards the bathroom. You closed your eyes again and wondered what the dream was about before eventually falling asleep.


Kyoya had went to bed before you because you stayed up playing video games. At about midnight, you decided to go to bed. You changed into your pajamas and made your way into your room. On your bed, a strange dark aura was surrounding Kyoya's sleeping figure. You began to worry that you woke him, since you've only seen that aura when he was disturbed. You carefully crawled into bed and tried to stay as still as possible so he would think you were asleep. A few minutes later, you felt him sit up and heard him breathing heavily. He looked noticed you were sleeping and layed back down and cuddled you. You sighed in relief, having dodged the bullet.


You and Hikaru were sleeping. You had gotten up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night when you heard Hikaru curse quite loudly. You quickly finished and peeked out of the bathroom to see Hikaru sitting up on your bed.

"You okay?" You asked him.

"Yeah, it's nothing..." He said, laying back down on his bed. You figured he'd just had a bad nightmare.


You and Kaoru were up late studying for finals. Eventually, you both decided to go to bed. You both fell asleep quickly since you were up so late, but Kaoru wasn't sleeping so pleasantly. You woke up with your face being smothered in your pillow with a healthy weight on top of you. You heard Kaoru mumbling you name quietly. You squirmed out and seen Kaoru. You debated on weather or not to wake him, and decided to do so.

"Kaoru? Are you okay?" You said as you shook Kaoru by his shoulders. He gasped as he woke up, then slowly came back to earth.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" Kaoru said, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, but it's fine. Are you okay?" Youasked him, rubbing his back.

"Yeah. I just had the worst dream..." He explained.

"Do you want to get it off your mind?" You asked.

"No, it was nothing really." He grabbed your hand and closed his eyes again. You sat back and closed your eyes as well and fell back asleep.


You woke up in the middle of the night and got up to go to the bathroom. You noticed that Mori was no longer sleeping next to you like he was before. You figured he had to use the bathroom as well and that was confirmed by the closed bathroom door. You knocked on it.

"Yeah?" He replied to your knock.

"I need to get in there." You said to him through the door.

"Ok," He said. After a few seconds he came out. When he walked past you he looked like he had been sweating and his hair was a mess. You questioned if he'd had a nightmare as you walked into the bathroom.


You were sleeping peacefully when you suddenly woke up to screaming.

"Y/N! WAAAAAH!" You recognized Hunny's voice.

"Ah! What!" You woke up and held Hunny as he cried into your shoulder.

"Gordon Ramsey said my cake was dry!" He sobbed.

"Don't worry, Hunny, that isn't true..." You rubbed his back and his crying slowly stopped.

"He didn't have to be so mean about it..!" He sniffled.

"I know, he just hasn't tasted good cake." You reassured.

"Can I have some cake..?" Hunny asked.

"Of course." You both got up and had a midnight snack before going back to bed.

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