You dress like him

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After a millions attempts at perfecting your makeup, you finally got it perfect.  You checked the mirror once more before putting on a blonde wig and some of Tamaki's clothes you had stolen from him.  You took a few selfies and waited for your boyfriend to come home.  You glanced out of the window and seen his car pull in.  You quickly got into position and when he opened the door...

"EEEEH?  WHO- WHAT- HOW- A TWIN?!" He screamed at seeing a clone if himself right before his eyes. 

"HA!  I GOT YOU SO GOOD!" You said, laughing your ass off.  Tamaki looked at you extremely confused.  You took off the wig and revealed your hair, then he realized it was you.

"AW!  YOU'RE SO CUTE!" Tamaki giggled.  "Isn't this what commoner couples do?  Dress alike?" He said.

"Well, yes, but they don't clone each other." You kissed him on the cheek, making him blush slightly.


This was the day you were going to get back at Kyoya.  All those times he hogged the wifi... It would all be worth it.  You primped your hair, finishing off the disguise you had created.  You looked exactly like the man himself.  You chuckled and heard the door be unlocked.  You got into position on Kyoya's laptop. 

"Y/N, you're not fooling anyone..." He said. 

"Damn it!" You tossed the wig into the floor. "How'd you know?!"

"First of all, your face us completely different than mine.  Second, That uniform of mine you're wearing?  I grew out of that years ago." He said. 

"I'll get you next time, Ootori!" You made a fist and waved it in the air.


You and Kaoru had been planning this prank for days.  All without Hikaru knowing a thing.  You finished off your flawless disguise with a copper colored wig.  Kaoru waited for you outside the bathroom and you both went into the host club and got into position.

Hikaru walked in to see his brother doing their act with a clone!

"What the hell is going on?!  How'd we get another twin!" He said panicked.

"It appears that you are the clone, care to explain yourself?" You both said in unison. 

"It's Hikaru!  Seriously what's going on!" He pulled you two apart and got a good look at your face.

"Y/N?  What are you doing dressed as me?" He asked.

"Hah!  We got you good!" You and Kaoru said in unison, laughing your asses off.  Hikaru tsked and motioned you away.

"Go change." He pushed you outside.  He'd probably ignore you for the rest of the day, but it was worth it.


You decided to prank Kaoru when he got home.  This was all pretty much on a whim, as it was payback for him eating your waffles the other day.

You neatly tied your tie and put some finishing touches on yourself, then you heard Kaoru unlocking the door.  You quickly sat on the couch and tried to act natural.

"Hikaru?  What are you doing here?" He asked, taking his jacket off.

"I needed to tell you something..." You walked over to your boyfriend and kissed him passionately on the lips.  He melted into the kiss.  When you both needed air, you parted and he whispered in your ear.

"Why are you dressed up, Y/N?" He had figured it out.

"Hah!  I got you at first!  But how'd you find out?" You laughed.

"Only you kiss like that!" He said, chuckling.


You were wondering how Mori would react to finding his identical twin, so you decided to test it.  You finished off your disguise and waited for Mori to come home.  You sat on the couch and watched TV, and before long, you heard the jostling of the door lock.  You took a deep breath just as he opened the door.  He just took his coat off and sat with you like it was just normal!  After a sorta awkward silence, Mori spoke up.

"Why are you dressed as a boy, Y/N." He said.  He saw right through it!

"How'd you know it was me?!" You said.

"It's obvious." He replied.  How could it be obvious?!  You did such a great job... 


You wanted to prank Hunny by cosplaying as him.  You finished off your makeup and his in a pile of stuffed animals, this was to make it seem as if you were his height.  Just then, you heard Hunny's familiar call from down the hall.

"Y/N?  Where are you?  It's dessert time!" He called.  when he seen you, he gasped.

"Whoa!  Who are you?  Are you me?  Who am I?" He said, running up to his clone.

"Ha!  Gotcha!" You said, hopping out of the animals.   "I got you good!" You said.  Hunny looked at you confused for a second, but then joined in your laughter.

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