You get caught in the rain

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Tamaki dragged you to the commoners store right before a storm, not even letting you grab an umbrella.  Now it was midnight, the store was closing, and Tamaki was in his emo corner.

"Tama, we have to go.  The store is closing." You said, patting his back.

"But how..?  This depression...  It immobilized my legs..." He said dramatically.

"Tamaki, your legs are fine.  Get up." You stood up and put your hands on your hips.  Tamaki tried to get up, stumbling and falling over many times.  You sighed and grabbed his arm, pulling him all the way up.

"Now take off your jacket." You ordered.

"Eh?  Why?" Tamaki asked, his face turning red thinking of something less innocent.  He took his jacket off and handed it to you.

"You dragged me out here so you're the one who's going to face the consequences." You held the jacket above your head and walked to the door.

"Wait, I'm going to get soaked!" He followed you.

"It's not that big of a deal.  Like you've said before, you're dripping with good looks." You winked at him and ran walked outside.  Tamaki followed behind depressed as the droplets rained onto him.


You and Kyoya went out to dinner during an unexpected storm.  But it wasn't a big deal since Kyoya's driver could just pick you up at the door.  Kyoya called him and the car was only a few steps from the door, so you both barely got wet getting in.


You and Hikaru went to the store for a snack run.  Luckily you brought the car, but the parking lot was too crowded and you had to park pretty far away.

"Let's run for it." Hikaru said, putting up his sweater's hood.

"But we'll get soaked." You said, putting yours up as well.

"Does it really matter?  The door's not that far." Hikaru sighed.

"I guess not..." You both ran into the store to get what you needed, then you ran back to the car, getting soaked as expected.


You and Kaoru just got out of school during a rainstorm.  You didn't plan to drive home today, so you were forced to either walk home or wait an hour.

"You wanna wait?" You asked Kaoru, watching the storm through the window.

"Nah...  You have a jacket?" Kaoru asked, taking off his uniform's blazer.

"Nope." You replied.  Kaoru gave handed you his blazer.

"You can use it." He said, opening the door for you.  You both ran home in the rain.  You stayed dry by using Kaoru's blazer as an umbrella but he ended up getting soaked.


You and Mori were leaving Ouran after host club activities and it was raining.  Mori was always prepared for things like this, and grabbed an umbrella from his locker for you.  The umbrella was pretty small, and the combined space of you and Mori was pretty big, so to keep both of you dry Mori picked you up bridal style as you held the umbrella and carried you home.


Hunny was in dire need for sweets in the middle of a rain storm. 

"Hunny I don't know where my umbrella is.  Can't you wait?" You explained to the frowning blonde.

"Nope!  I need it now!  I'll just have to be your umbrella.

"What do you mean?" You asked him.  Hunny climbed up your body and sat on your shoulders, covering your head.

"I'm your umbrella!" He said.

"Ugh, fine..." You said, taking the boy to get cake with him on your head.

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