They get embarrassed

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You and Tamaki were at the mall when he ran into a friend from middle school.  As they were catching up, a well know secret of his was spilled.

"I remember when you brought your teddy bear to school and I accidentally spilt milk on it!  Ha!" His friend said, laughing.

"Ha!  He still sleeps with that thing too!" You said, laughing.  Tamaki became embarrassed that you'd said that.

"Y- Y/N!" Tamaki stuttered in embarrassment.

"What?  It's really not a secret, Tamaki.  You bring that thing to the host club all the time." You said. 

"Well I'll be taking my leave then.  See you later!" His friend waved as he walked away.


Kyoya had brought you to a very important business meeting.  His boss was very interested in you and asked you some questions.

"So tell me about your boyfriend." He asked, smiling.

"Oh, well he's a very very hard worker.  He sometimes stays up well into the night working!  And he's super smart too.  Whenever I don't understand something he always knows the answer!  And he's very kind.  He helped a kitten out of a tree once-" While you went on and on about Kyoya, he started to get embarrassed.

"That's enough, Y/N." He whispered. 

"Why?  Don't be embarrassed!" You pinched his cheek.

"I think I've asked you enough questions, miss Y/N." His boss chuckled.


You and Hikaru were playing Super Smash Bros.  You both agreed that whoever loses has to go in public and dab on the haters.  From the looks of it, you were definitely going to win. 

"No...  No.  No!" You heard Hikaru mumble under his breath as you landed the final hit that sent him flying off the screen.

"Ha!  Hurry up and get dressed sucker!" You said.  Hikaru sighed in annoyance and left to change out of his pajamas. 

You decided to go to Walmart for his punishment.  When you walked in, you spotted an elderly woman slowly walking through the aisles.

"You know what to do." You whispered to him, pointing to the woman.  Hikaru sighed and stopped in front of the old lady, then dabbed.  A look of confusion was spread across her face as Hikaru walked back towards you.

"Great.  Let's leave-" He said, walking out of the store.  You grabbed his wrist and stopped him.

"Hey, notice how it's dab on the haters.  Not dab on the hater.  There's an s." You smirked evilly. 

"So?" He said in annoyance.

"So that means you have more haters to dab on." You said. 

"No way." Hikaru started heading out of the store and you couldn't get him to come back in.


You and Kaoru were hanging out at the host club.  You stayed glued to his side the entire time, which made Kaoru a little embarrassed. 

"I'm going to go use the bathroom..." Kaoru started to get up.  You stole a kiss on his cheek, which made him blush and run away out of embarrassment. 


You were helping around on a busy day at the host club.  As you carried a tray of coffee, Haruhi called to you.  You looked towards her and didn't see Mori.  You bumped into him and spilt coffee all over him in front of the busy host club.

"I'm sorry!" You said, drying up the hot coffee off his blazer.  Luckily it wasn't too hot to burn him badly.

"It's okay." Mori said, slipping off his dirtied blazer.  Despite his stoic appearance, he was very embarrassed of the brown stain that was left on his shirt.


You and Hunny were at the host club.  You poked at you slice while Hunny devoured his in what seemed like seconds.

"Y/N-chan, are you going to eat that?" He asked with his mouth full of cake and frosting on his face.

"You can have it, but seriously Hunny use your manners..." You grabbed a napkin and wiped the boy's face.  "And don't eat with your mouth full, please."

"O- Okay..." He replied, eating his cake in a civilized manner.  Sure, he deserved the lecture.  But it embarrassed him nonetheless.

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