They invent something

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You had just gotten out of class and headed to the host club. You opened the doors, but insteas of being greeted by the 7 hosts, a heavy hurricane of red rose petals bursted out and created an ocean up to your waist. Drowning in the petals were the boys.

"What is going on here?!" You said.

"The boss made a stupid faulty machine to make rose petals rain down!" Hikaru said, dragging his comatose brother out of the flooded host club.

"It just needs some adjustments!" Tamaki said from on top of a table.

"No!" Yelled everyone in the host club as Tamaki touched the machine. It exploded on touch, filling the room with the petals. And everyone died. The end.


"Whatcha doin?" You asked Kyoya.

"Trying to start a business." He said, tinkering with a machine in front of him.

"Ooh, what kind of business?" You asked curiously.

"An oven business. This model in particular is a self baking oven for desserts." He explained. "It works like this..." Kyoya poured some cake mix into the machine and pressed a button, and within a few minutes, the machine had done its magic and a prettily decorated cake popped out.

"Wow! Good job!" You said, admiring the fancy frosting. Kyoya handed you a fork and you took a bite of the dessert, only for the cake to dissolve into a sand like substance.

"Uhm..." You said, trying to swallow it. "It needs some work..."


"Y/N?!" You heard Hikaru call from his game room. You came in to see what he wanted.

"Guess what I made?" He said.

"Oh boy, what?" You said eagerly.

"I developed a video game all by myself!" He proud said.

"Oh! Can I play it?" You asked him with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course!" He pulled out your chair for you and you sat down. You pressed start and the game began.

"So, what's the objective here?" You asked.

"The story is, you run out of baking materials and Hunny becomes so ravenous that he tries to eat you. So you have to escape Ouran High." He explained. You played the game for hours on end, until Hikaru made you stop to eat and sleep.


Kaoru wanted to do something nice for you, so he decided to make you a dress.

"Y/N?" Kaoru said, approaching you with something behind his back.

"Yeah?" You replied, putting your phone down.

"I made you this..." He held out a (F/C) dress with a bunch of bows and sequins.

"Oh... That looks beautiful!" You tried to sound a little enthusiastic, even though the dress wasn't really your style.

"It'll look even more beautiful on you, though. Try it on!" He smiled and you took the dress and changed into it. It was super tight and a bit too short for your liking.

"Uh, Kaoru... It doesn't fit..." You said, peeking out the door.

"Eh? Oh well, I tried." He gave up, going into the other room.


After you hurt yourself multiple times on his swords, Mori decided he wasn't doing a good enough job at protecting you and decided to make something to help. He gave you a suit that was seemingly made of pillows and duct tape and told you to change. You figured this was just some part of training and that he was final going to teach you how to use his swords, but that wasn't the case.

"What is this?" You asked Mori, wobbling out of your changing room.

"To protect you." He said, patting your head then walking away.

"Wait, why'd I have to wear this? Can I take it off?" You waddled after him.

"Nope." Was all he said. You kept the suit on for a few minutes until you got sweaty and threw it off.


You came home to the smell of something cooking. You weren't sure what but you figured Hunny was making it. You went in the kitchen to check.

"Ooh, is that a cake? What flavor?" You said to him. He was just finishing up decorating it.

"I made a new flavor of cake! Curry!" Hunny said, "Wanna try it?"

"Uhm... Sure..." You hesitated a little. Curry cake didn't exactly sound too appetizing, but you knew he'd get upset if you didn't at least take a bite.

"Here ya go!" Hunny handed you a plate of the cake. You slowly started to eat it as Hunny watched with an excited expression. When you ate it, you tried your hardest to look like you were enjoying it.

"It's great!" You said, trying not to gag.

"Really?! Wow! I'm so smart!" He said happily. He cut himself a slice and took a huge but without any hesitation, trusting your taste buds.

"Ew... What were you talking about... This is horrible..." Hunny said, pushing away his plate.

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