They draw you

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You came home from school to find Tamaki hanging something on the wall. You walked over to him and you realized it was a drawing he drew of you...

"Tamaki..? What's that..?" You said, blushing in embarrassment. It was a pretty bad drawing to be honest...

"Oh, well princesses always have giant portraits of themselves in their castle, don't they?" He said, smiling at you.

"Did you draw it yourself? It looks great..." You lied. If your friends seen that clunky poorly drawn sketch on the wall you'd be the laughing stock of the group...

"Of course! It turned out wonderful if I do say so myself." He said with his hands on his hips confidently.

"Well... I think it'd be much more spectacular if maybe it was smaller? And in the bedroom?" You tried to persuade him to make it less noticeable.

"Hm... You think so? You are the princess after all..." He said. He then called his maid to get the drawing printed smaller, and hung up in the bedroom. She ran off with it and when she returned she hung it up in a much less noticeable place.


Unsurprisingly, Kyoya loves to paint. Especially if the thing he's painting relates somehow to his life. So he was bound to paint you one day or another. He was just putting the finishing touches on when you walked in.

"Oh? What are you painting?" You asked Kyoya as his brush swept over the canvas, leaving a trail of light pink behind it.

"A painting of you. Specifically the time you visited the host club when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom." He said, turning the canvas towards you. You gasped at it's beauty. It was a painting of you sitting on a bench reading a book with the cherry blossoms behind you.

"Wow! That's beautiful! Thank you!" You said, smiling and hugging him.

"I thought it'd look nice in the living room, no?" He said in content.

"That's a great spot!" You said happily. The painting now resides on the living room wall.


"Hey, what game is that?" You asked Hikaru, who was scribbling on his tablet.

"I'm drawing something." He said, blushing slightly. You looked at his screen and seen a portrait of you on it.

"Hey, is that me?" You said excitedly.

"Yeah..." He was a little embarrassed that you'd caught him. He didn't want you to actually see it...

"When you're done we'll have to print it and hang it up or something." You smiled. You didn't actually end up hanging it up though, since Hikaru was too embarrassed.


You and Kaoru were in art class. The teacher had told you to draw a person. While you were working, you glanced at Kaoru's paper and spotted a face that looked extremely similar to your own.

"Is that me..?" You said, examining his paper.

"Yeah... I'm not bring creepy, am I?" He said, blushing slightly.

"No, not at all... That's funny since I was drawing you too." You said, showing him your horrible attempt at drawing.

"Huh, that really does look like me.". He looked at your paper before resuming your portrait. In the end you both traded portraits with each other.


You were looking for Mori in his house. You checked all of the rooms except one, so you walked in and found him. He was sitting in front of an easel, which was facing away from you.

"Yeah?" He said, looking at you in the doorway.

"What're you painting?" You asked. Normally Mori doesn't paint that much, but sometimes he likes to try new things.

"You." He turned the easel towards you and revealed a beautiful painting of you. You gasped and walked over to it, examining the art. It was a painting of you and him sitting in a large tree.

"That's amazing! We have to hang this up!" You said. Mori nodded and turned the easel back towards him. The painting now resides on the dining room wall.


You and Hunny were sitting at his table, drawing pictures with crayons.

"What're you going to draw?" You asked Hunny as you opened up your box of crayons.

"Hm... I think I'll draw a picture of you." He said, beginning to scribble on his paper. He seemed to be working very hard on it, because even after you'd finished three or four paintings, he was still working on his.

"Done! How is it?" He finally said, holding up his masterpiece. On the paper was a childlike drawing of you and Hunny sitting at a table in the host club eating a five layer cake.

"Wow, that's great! Way better than mine." You said, showing him your few drawings. He framed the picture and hung it up on the wall of his room.

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