He makes you clean up after him

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You came home from school on a normal day.  You opened the door to a red blanket covering every surface in the house.  You looked down at the floor and noticed they were rose petals.  Your mouth gaped at the amount of the flowers on the ground.  This wasn't just a sprinkle here and there- it was a flower bed on every single surface.  The couch, the floor, the tables...  Covered.

"Y/N!  You're home!" Tamaki said as he bursted out of a mountain of petals.  "Isn't this lovely?" He blew some of the petals at you.

"Tamaki...  What did you do?!  This is s mess!" You said.  Tamaki teleported to his corner of the room, upset.  You felt you were a little too harsh on him, but this was going to be such a hassle to clean up.

"Tamaki, I didn't mean to sound so harsh, but this is just too extravagant..." You explained.  He stayed in his corner and left you in the rose petals.  You sighed and grabbed your broom and started sweeping up the rose petals off of the floor and putting them in the trash.  It took hours, and the whole time Tamaki was in his dark corner. 


Kyoya was holed up in his office all night last night.  You knew better than to disturb him so you just went to bed without him.  His door was still closed in the morning and you decided to brew him a cup of coffee.  You had the mug in your hand and opened the door.  The office was a mess.  Papers and other office supplies were scattered all over the floor and Kyoya was sleeping with his head on the desk.

"Kyoya?" You asked as you tried to shake him awake.  He was going to be late if he slept any longer.  He woke up and a sharp gaze met yours.  He was not happy.

"Ugh.  7:30?!"  He stood up and chugged the coffee down and ran out of the room.  In a few seconds Kyoya was dressed and ready for school, leaving you in the messy office.  You sighed.  If you didn't clean it you'd get mice.  You started picking up the papers and neatly piling them on his desk.  He didn't even notice you'd cleaned when he got home.


"Hikaru, this is a mess!" You said to him.  He was sitting on the couch playing video game surrounded by empty bottles and snack packages.

"Yeah, yeah.  I know.  I'll clean it later." He said, not taking his eyes off of his game.  You sighed and left the room.

"Didn't you say you were going to clean this?" You said a day later.

"Yeah, sorry.  I'll do it today I promise." He said.  But he didn't clean that day either.

"Seriously Hikaru you need to clean this up.  There are flies!" You said frustrated.

"I'm busy.  If it bothers you so much then clean it yourself." He said.  You started snatching the garbage off of the floor frustratedly.


"Your turn to do the dishes." You said to Kaoru as you sat on the couch next to him.

"Is it?  Do you think you can do it for me?  Just this once?" He said. 

"Yeah, I guess.  As long as you do it the next time." You got up and did the dishes for him.  Soon enough, the sink was filled with dirty dishes once again.

"Dishes need to be done." You said to him.

"Yeah...  Do you think you can do them again?  I'm really busy." He said. 

"No you're not!  You're sleeping on the couch.  You're perfectly capable of doing them this time." You crossed your arms.  He pretended to be asleep.  You made a tsk sound and left the room.  You ended up doing the dishes once again.


You came home from school to see Mori sleeping on the couch.  On the floor in front of him was a bowl of popcorn that was spilled.

"Mori?" You shook him to try and wake him up with no response.  You sighed.  Mori is always cleaning up after you so you decided to clean for him for once.  You grabbed the vacuum and cleaned up the popcorn.  He must've been tired since he didn't wake up even with the vacuum blaring in his ear.


"Y/N-chan, can I have another slice of cake please?" Hunny asked.

"Nope.  You've already eaten 27 slices today." You said. 

"Aw..." He whined.

"Now go clean up your plates." You said, motioning towards the stack of plates next to him.  Sure, he was small.  But he's stronger than he looks.  Perfectly capable of cleaning up after himself.

"I can't...  I'm too full..." He layed down on the floor and rubbed his tummy.

"Then you shouldn't have eaten so much." You said.

"Augh..." He just layed there.

"I'll give you a cupcake if you can clean up." You bargained.  He didn't respond to that either.  You sighed.  If bribing him with cake wasn't doing it then nothing would.  You gave up and carried the tower of plates to the kitchen to cle

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