They find a bug

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"Princess!  Wake up!  I think there's someone in here!" Tamaki whispered, waking you up. 

"What?" You sat up, looking around.  "I don't see anything."

"I swear I seen a shadow!" Tamaki curled up in the blanket.  You got up and turned on the bedside lamp.  A huge shadow appeared on the ceiling.  Tamaki screamed and tackled you, sobbing on your arm. 

"Tamaki, There's just a moth on the lamp, calm down." You got up and captured the moth in a cup, then tossed it out the window.  You turned around and seen Tamaki buried in his blanket shaking.  You just lied back in bed and fell back asleep.


You and Kyoya we're taking a hike in the forest, taking pictures of wildlife.  While you were taking in the scenery, Kyoya tapped on your shoulder. 

"Hey, Y/N, look at that caterpillar." Kyoya said, pointing to a caterpillar with an armor plated forehead.

That's the caterpillar of a Emperor butterfly.  They're plentiful this time of year." He said.

"Interesting..." You snapped a picture of the strange bug.


"Hey Y/N!  Look at this weird bug I found!" Hikaru yelled from the backyard.  You went out side and looked into a cup he was holding, which had a ton of ladybugs in it.  Then he did something horrible!  He threw the bugs in you face!

"Hikaru!  You asshole!" You screamed, trying to get the bugs out of your hair.  He fell on the floor laughing. 

"I'll get revenge eventually!" You threw one of the bugs at him.  You ignored him for like a week.


"Y/N!  Kill it!  Kill it!" Kaoru said, standing on the couch. 

"You're the man!  You do it!" You said, tossing a magazine at him.

"I can't make myself do it!  I'd never hurt an animal!" He said, tossing the magazine back to you. 

"That's just an excuse!  You're scared, aren't you?" You said.

"N- no!" He stuttered. 

"Then kill it!" You tossed him the magazine again, and he rolled it up, creeping towards the spider on the wall.  He raised his arm, and aimed for the small thing, then-

"Screw it!  Let's just move out!"


"Mori!  Help!  There's a huge spider in the bathroom!" You ran up to Mori in only a towel, your hair wet from your shower.  He sighed and grabbed the newspaper from the coffee table, rolling it up.  You followed him into the bathroom, where the spider was still hanging from the ceiling.  He smashed it and killed it. 

"Fine?" He asked.

"Yeah..." You replied.


"Y/N!  Look!  The butterfly wants some of my cake!" Hunny said, pointing to a butterfly sitting on his cake. 

"Aw!" You said, watching it's wings flutter.  But soon it flew off, and Hunny continued eating his cake. 

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