You go to the beach

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The host club had been hosting customers all day.  The sun had set and everyone was in their hotel rooms.  You sat on the bed, using the free wifi, while Tamaki looked at the orange sky outside the window.

"Princess, isn't it beautiful?" He said, tilting your head up so that you looked him in the eye.

"It's gorgeous." You said, smiling.  "Why don't we go out and take a walk?" You suggested.  Tamaki's face brightened like a child in a toy store.

"That's a wonderful idea!" Tamaki dragged you by your arm onto the beach. 

The sun was setting and the ocean was reflecting the orange evening light.  You both were the only ones on the beach, and you began to walk across the shore.

"The ocean is gorgeous, but not as gorgeous as you, my princess..." He looked at you and smiled, his blonde hair lightly blew in the ocean breeze. 

"Aw~ Thank you..." You stared into each other's eyes for a while.  Until you were interrupted by some crabs being thrown on your back!

"AH!  WHAT THE HELL?!" You yelled and you looked behind you.  The twins stood there, holding their chests as they laughed at you both.  You peeled a crab off of your head and threw it at Hikaru, who wasn't fazed.

"You little- Never mind, Tamaki, let's go back to the hotel..."You said, dragging Tamaki angrily.


You and the host club were at the beach.  While the hosts were satisfying guests and messing around, you and Kyoya sat and watched from afar.  Kyoya scribbled in his notebook as usual, sitting in a beach chair under an umbrella.  You messed with a pile of sand, trying to make a castle. 

"Hey, Kyoya?" You asked.  You had started getting a little bored of just playing with measly sand.

"What is it?" Kyoya snapped his notebook shut and looked at you.

"Do you want to play a game or something?" You asked.

"Hm...  What kind of game?" He said.

"Maybe volleyball?  There's a net over there that nobody's using." You pointed towards the volleyball net a few feet away.

"I don't see why not." He got up and walked towards the net with you.

The first few rounds were okay, he was in the lead.  But then, in a particularly heated match.  Kyoya spiked the ball.  But you weren't going to lose so easily, so you dove for it.  Luckily you hit it, but you kinda hurt yourself from diving like that and just layed there. 

"Y/N?  Your top..." Kyoya said.  You sat up, only to realize that the top of your swim suit had fallen off.  You looked around frantically and luckily Kyoya was the only one who seemed to notice.  Although it was still embarrassing none the less.  You quickly put your top back on, this time making absolutely sure that it was securely on.

"Sorry..." You apologized while blushing. 

"Oh, you don't need to apologise, I kind of enjoyed the little show..." He tilted your chin up to meet his eyes and you blushed madly.

"PERVERT!" You yelled as you ran away. 


The host club took a vacation to the beach.  Hikaru was kind of busy tending to the customers, so you sat on the end of the pier and dipped your legs into the water.  As you watched a boat in the distance, you were suddenly shoved into the water.

"What was that for?!" You yelled, coughing out water.  Hikaru was behind you, laughing, and held out a hand to you.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist, hehe..." He smiled and pulled you out of the water, pulling you close and kissing your head.


The host club took a vacation to the beach.  You were chasing Kaoru with a pool noodle, smacking him when you caught up.

"Ah!  I give up!  I give up!" He pled as you smacked him relentlessly with your noodle.  You stopped and giggled at Kaoru, who was now pretending to play dead on the sand. 

"Are you okay..?" You said after he didn't get up for a while.  He didn't respond.  He was breathing, but not moving or talking.

"Wakey wakey..." You shook him slightly, with no response.  You just left him there and started building a sand castle.


You were diving under the water looking for seashells.  You needed air every few seconds, so it was annoying.  You decided to take an extra long breath and went under.  After you didn't pop back up for a while, Mori got concerned and grabbed you and carried you out of the water.

"What was that for?!  That seashell was pretty too..." You sighed annoyed.

"You were drowning." He set you down on the shore.

"No I wasn't..." You looked out at the sea.  Mori then dove out to where you were and came back with a armful of pretty seashells.

"Does this make up for it?" He asked as you examined the seashells.

"I suppose so." You said, digging through the shells.


You and Hunny were having a intensely competitive sand castle competition.  You had both finished, and the judges (The rest of the host club) were standing before the castles.  After chatting amungst themselves, Tamaki was ready to tell the results.

"We believe the winner is... Hunny." He said.  Hunny giggled and hugged​ your leg.  You weren't too disappointed though.

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