When you're sick

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"Y/N!  Wakey wakey, eggs and bacey!" Tamaki said, jostling you awake.

"I'm not in the mood for bacon..." You said drearily.

"But you love bacon!" Tamaki shook you some more.

"My throat hurts..." You said. 

"Oh no!  My dearest daughter is under the weather!  I'll call the doctor at once!" Tamaki ran to the phone.

"Nuuu... Let me sleeeep..." You fell back asleep.

Tamaki dragged you to the doctor, where he diagnosed you with a case of strep throat.  You both took the day off, but you didn't really see the reason why Tama would skip, since he wasn't sick. 

"Let's watch Romeo and Juliet!" He said, turning the TV on.  You both spent the whole day watching movies.


You were sleeping when Kyoya yanked the blanket off of you, giving you a chill. 

"Don't you think you should be getting ready for school?" Kyoya said. 

"I'm going to stay home today, I'm not feeling too well..." You said, yanking the blanket back weakly.  But you got dizzy and fell back.  Kyoya sighed.

"Well, that's your choice, I'll bring your schoolwork home for you." Kyoya said, leaving the room and closing the door behind him. 


"Y/N!  Get up already!" Hikaru yelled, trying to tear the blanket away from you. 

"Nuuu.... Nuuu..." was all you mumbled. 

"What's wrong with you?!" Hikaru said.  You pounced up and started to yell.

"I'm sick!  I've got a fever!" You yelled back, annoyed.  Hikaru's expression softened​.

"Oh, in that case, I'll be staying home too." He said, wrapping you up in your blanket and carrying you out to the living room, where you both played video games all day. 


"Y/N!  You're burning up!" Kaoru said, feeling your forehead.

"I'm definitely sick..." you said. 

"Ah, stay in bed, I'll make you breakfast." Kaoru said, leaving the room.  He returned an hour later with a tray full of pancakes and bacon and eggs, all of which were homemade by him. 

"Aw, thanks!" You said, sitting up.  You both ate in bed and watched some TV together.  Kaoru would ask you often if you needed anything, serving you like a butler.


You and Mori were walking to school when you got dizzy and fell a little into his arms. 

"Y/N, are you sure you're okay to go to school?" Mori said worriedly. 

"Yeah... I'm... Fine..." you sniffled.

"You're burning up.  We're going home." Mori said, picking you up bridal style.


"Hey, Y/N Chan?  Are you going to finish your cake?" Hunny said, pointing to your slice of chocolate cake.  You had only taken a bite of it.

"Yeah..." You replied, pushing your cake forward towards Hunny.  You lied down on the sofa and almost fell asleep, when you were interrupted by Hunny.

"Y/N!  Are you okay?" Hunny asked.

"Yeah... Just a bit of a fever is all..." You said.  Hunny gave you Usa-chan and left you to sleep on the sofa all day.

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