They recommend a show to you

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"I'm so booooored..." You whined, sitting upside down on your bed.  Tamaki sighed and set his book down, also bored.

"Why don't we watch a movie or something?" He said, smiling at you.

"Sure.  But you can pick this time." You said, sitting up.

"Really?  Anything?" he said with puppy dog eyes.

"Sure." You said.  Tamaki sprung up and grabbed the remote.  He started browsing the TV show and stopped at Hack My Life.

"How about this one?  I stumbled upon it yesterday and I'm hooked!" He said, eagerly.

"Is it really that good?  I guess we can watch it." You got settled with Antoinette on your lap as he clicked play. 

For the next three hours, you both sat and listened to tens of thousands of life hacks that commoners use to save money. 


"Kyoooya...  What are you watching?  There's absolutely nothing on!" You whined. 

"I recommend this documentary about potatoes.  It's quite interesting." He said, paying attention to the screen in front of him.  You glanced over and watched as mountains of potatoes were put in a machine and they came out as french fries.  You watched it with him and learned the names of over 100 different types of potatoes...


"Hikaruuuuu..." You whined, slumping down in your seat.

"What?" He took his eyes off of his phone and looked at you.

"I need more anime to watch..." You fell onto the floor out of boredom.

"Have you seen No Game No Life?  That's a good one..." He returned to his phone, scrolling through social media.

"No Game No Life?  Never heard of it...  Let's watch it together!" You jumped up from the floor and picked up the remote, turning the TV on and scrolling through, trying to find the show.  When you found it, you both binge watched all of the episodes and you fell in love with it.


"Hey, Kaoru, what are you planning on watching tonight?" You asked. 

"Probably Impractical Jokers...  How about you?" He said.

"Impractical Jokers?  Haven't heard of it.  Is it any good?" You asked.

"It's actually one of my favorite shows...  You wanna watch it with me?" He said.

"Sure." You replied.  You both made a huge bowl of popcorn and watched Impractical Jokers until late at night.


You walked into the kitchen and seen Mori staring at the microwave, smiling at a bag that was popping inside.

"You sure seem happy.  What's up?" You asked, leaning up against the counter next to him.

"The Real Housewives of Orange County is on tonight." He said as the microwave beeped.  He opened the door and grabbed the bag, opening it and pouring the corn into a large bowl.

"Housewives?  Never heard of it.  Is it good?" You asked, grabbing a fistful of the popcorn and eating it.  He nodded and left for the living room.

"Can I watch it with you?" You said, sitting next to him on the couch.  He nodded and grabbed the remote, turning the TV to another channel.

Throughout the duration of the show, you glanced at Mori every few seconds out of confusion.  You didn't know Mori was into this stuff...


You were relaxing on the couch when Hunny bursted through the door.  He ran up and tackled you, grabbing the remote.

"Y/N-chan!  My Little Pony's on!" He said, changing the channel to one with small colorful horses.

"My Little Pony..?  You watch this?" You asked the boy, who was snuggled into your side.

"Yeah!  Isn't it cute?" He said, smiling up at you.

"It is pretty cute." You watched the show with Hunny for the next three hours. 

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