They save you

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You were walking to the store to buy some commoners coffee. You walked past a dark alley and felt someone grab you. You screamed as you tried to get away. Luckily, you felt a familiar person's hands grab your arm.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER YOU FILTHY PERVERT!" Tamaki said, kicking the abductor where the sun don't shine and dragging you by the arm out if the alley and running down the street. Once you were a fair distance away, he stopped and wrapped his arms around you.

"You could've gotten hurt back there..." He said, his voice shaking.

"Sorry..." You said, hugging him back.

"You don't need to apologise." He released you from the hug and walked home with you, holding your hand extra tight.


Kyoya had invited you to study at his house right before a huge test. After hours and hours of studying, you said goodbye and left, closing the door behind you. It was night time and you walked down the side walk. You felt as if someone was watching you, so you looked behind you, only for nothing to be there. You just figured it was your imagination, but you were soon stopped by a tall, bulky man in a black hoodie.

"Hand over the bag." He said, holding a gun to your head. You nervously began to take your bag off, but as you handed it to him, an arm reached out and grabbed it. You looked to your side to see Kyoya, who'd been watching you from his window.

"Give me it or I'll shoot both of you." He said, pointing the gun at Kyoya.

"Kyoya just give it to him, you'll get hurt!" You said. What the hell is he thinking?!

"Nonsense. I'll be keeping this bag." He said. The man just ran away, flustered.

"Why didn't he shoot..?" You said.

"He was only bluffing. That gun didn't have any bullets." He said, giving you your bag back.

"Well, thank you." You said, hugging him. You started walking away when Kyoya grabbed your wrist.

"Where do you think you're going? I'm driving to home." He said. He held hands with you and you stepped into his limo, which drove you home safely.


You and Hikaru were walking home from the arcade. You began to walk across a busy street when a semi truck that ran through a red light started zooming in front of you.

"Y/N!" He said, grabbed your wrist and yanking you towards him. The truck whizzed by, right where you would've been if he hadn't stopped you.

"Oh my god... Thank you!" You said, hugging him.

"You could've gotten really hurt... You need to be more careful..." He said, releasing you from his arms. He held your hand the rest of the way home, paying extra attention to your surroundings.


You were walking through the park with Kaoru, pleasantly conversing with him whilst admiring the nature around you. You felt as if you were being watched, and glanced behind you, only for nothing to be there. You continued walking, until you heard something rustle in the bush behind you. You looked back in time to see a girl holding a baseball bat. Kaoru tackled her just in time before she hit you, then wrestled the bat out of her arms. After losing the weapon she ran off.

"What's her problem?!" You said, burying your face in Kaoru's chest.

"She's a girl that's been obsessing over me the past month or so... I'm sorry I had to involve you in my problems..." He said.

"It's okay... Why don't we go home..." You said. He held your hand as you both walked home. He kept the bat with him and paid extra attention to his surroundings.


You were in your room, trying to sleep. But you kept feeling like something was watching you, so you couldn't sleep. As you laid with your eyes closed on Mori's chest, you heard the sound of a window shattering from the other room. You both snapped awake.

"Stay here." Mori said, walking out to investigate. You did as you were told and stayed in bed, shaking out of fear. A girlish scream was heard from the other room. Mori returned as stoic as ever and layed back down with you in bed.

"Who was that..?" You said, still shaking.

"Just a robber." He said, falling asleep again. You didn't fall asleep that night.


You were walking home from the cake store with Hunny when you felt a pair of arms grab you and drag you into an alley. You tried to yell, but he'd covered your mouth so only mumbled escaped. All of a sudden a small figure zoomed past you, and a groan came from behind you as you were released. You looked behind you and seen Hunny standing on top of the man's unconscious body.

"Wow! Thanks Hunny!" You said, hugging the boy.

"He really deserves more, but claiming self defense only goes this far!" He said innocently. You both skipped home happily afterwards.

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