He wants to keep garbage

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"It's a wrapper, Tamaki, just toss it out.  Our apartment is already filled to the brim with your knick knacks.". You said to the blonde, who was refusing to throw​ away a wrapper to a commoners toy.

"But it's got a kitten on it!" He said, showing you the pink kitten on the wrapper.

"You're just going to put it on your shelf and never touch it again though!" You said.

"No!  I'll look at it every single day I promise!" He pleaded. 

"Ugh.  Just take a picture of it, that way you can look at it whenever you want and it won't take up space." You bargained. 

"That's a great idea!" Tamaki took his phone out of his pocket, then happily took a picture of the wrapper.  Then threw it in the trash can.


"Kyoya, why is your backpack so heavy?" You asked, struggling to carry the boy's backpack. 

"It's the same weight it's always been." He replied.  You unzipped the bag and revealed about 30 notebooks.

"Why do you carry so many notebooks with you?!" You said, slipping a blue notebook out of his bag. 

"Those are my notes, of course." He  replied. 

"These notes are from two semesters ago!" You said, examining the contents of the notebook. 

"That doesn't mean they're not useful." His glasses gleamed.

"We're throwing these away." You picked up his bag and went to a trash can, tossing the useless papers into the can.


"Are these stale?" You asked, motioning towards a bag of chips.

"I think so." He said, absorbed in his game.

"Then why would you leave them in the snack shelf?" You said, annoyed.

"Because they costed money and I didn't want to waste them."

"Nobody's going to eat them, Hikaru..." You were about to drop them in the garbage until he stopped you. 

"Wait maybe Kaoru will eat them!" He said, taking the chips back.

"He's not.  Nobody will." He sighed as you dropped them into the trash. 


"Kaoru, it doesn't fit you anymore.  Why keep it?" You asked the ginger.  He was currently wearing a tight shirt with a video game character on it. 

"I'm sure I could stretch it out." He said, trying to stretch the shirt down to cover his tummy.

"Kaoru, it's way too small, you can't even stretch it out as much as you need to." You sighed. 

"You have plenty of other shirts, so just let it go." You pulled the shirt off him and tossed it out. 


"Mori I can't wear this!  It's too short!" You said, pulling down your dress.  Mori bought it for you but it was way too short. 

"I think it looks great." He said. 

"It's barely covers my butt!  I'll get sent home from school if I wear it out!" He just smirked. 

"I'm going to return it." You said, walking into the bathroom to change out of it.  But after you came out, he decided to keep it for whatever reason.


"Hunny, no!  You can't eat these!" You said, holding the tray of burnt cookies away from Hunny, who was desperately craving sweets. 

"I neeeeed them!" Hunny begged, trying to reach for the cookies. 

"You'll get sick!  I'm going to make more, just be patient!" You held the tray higher.  The lolita boy jumped onto a table and body slammed you, grabbing the tray from you any shoving the blackened cookies into his mouth.  After a few cookies he stopped and started tearing up.  He ran into your arms.

"Y/N!  They're too bitter!" He said.  You got up from the floor and began tossing the cookies away. 

"Can't say I didn't warn you." You giggled.

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