When you babysit

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Your friend had a doctor's appointment and left her baby with you for the afternoon.  You were sitting on the floor with the baby when Tamaki arrived home.

"Y/N YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOU WERE PREGNANT!" He yelled, picking up the baby.

"It's my friend's baby, not mine." You explained.

"Well aren't you a cutie!" He bounced the baby on his lap.  The baby looked up at him and smiled, then threw up on him.

"EEEEW!!!" Tamaki yelled and took the baby off of his lap.  You giggled and ran to get some napkins.

"Y/N I'M GOING TO NEED MORE THAN JUST NAPKINS!" He said as you wiped the vomit off of him.

"Well you can't stand up with puke on your lap, can you?  Go take a shower." You giggled and started cleaning up the baby.  Tamaki ran at the speed of light to clean up himself.


Your friend had asked you to babysit her baby while she went to work.  You arrived at home with the baby in a carrier in your arms.  Kyoya was sitting in the couch with his laptop.

"Who's child is that?" He asked, looking at you curiously.

"Just my friend's baby." You sat next to him and took the baby out if its carrier, showing him.

"That thing better not make a mess.  I've spent good money on this couch." He sighed and continued typing away on his laptop as you cradled the baby.

"Don't worry about it." You said confidently.  Just then the baby threw up on your shirt.

"Ew, ew, ew!" You stood up, making sure none of the vomit was on the couch, then running to the bathroom.  You could hear Kyoya laughing from the other room.


Your friend's normal babysitter was out sick, so she'd asked you to watch her kid while she went to work.  You held the kid's hand as you walked into your house.  Hikaru must've been in the other room.  You let the kid go and they ran up and sat on the couch.

"Toys!" They said.  You looked in the diaper bag that your friend had given you to look for some toys.  But there were none.  You sighed and looked around.  What around the house could a kid play with?  You scanned the room and found Hikaru's gaming system. 

"You wanna play some video games?" You asked the kid.

"Yeah!" They replied.  You rummaged through Hikaru's games and found a few that could possibly be entertaining for a three year old.

"Which one?" You held out a few games and they picked one out if the bunch.  Then you set the game up and let them play with it.  They must've played the game before, because they seemed to know how to play the game already.  You sat on the couch an watched them play the game before Hikaru came in.

"Is that my game?!" He asked. 

"Yeah, why?" You looked back at him.

"Why is that kid playing with my games?!  I don't need sticky icky two year old germs on my controller!" He said. 

"That's why hand wipes exist.  Don't worry about it." You brushed him off.  But he wasn't done yet.

"What if they delete my save files or something?" He said.

"Don't worry I'm watching them.  And I just won't save when they're done.  Why don't you go take a nap or something." You said.  He made a 'tsk' sound and left the room.


Your friend needed a babysitter, so you stepped up to the job.  You held the kid's hand as you walked in.  Kaoru was watching TV when you opened the door.

"Oh, hey, who's the kid?" He said as you and the kid sat on the couch with him.

"Just one of my friend's." You picked up the remote and changed the channel to cartoons.

"I was watching tha- Oh my god I haven't seen SpongeBob in ages!" He said, getting interested in the show.  You smiled to yourself and watched TV with them.


Your friend needed to run some errands and asked you to take care of their baby for the afternoon.  You opened the door and checked the time.

'12:45...  Time for their bottle...' You thought, digging out a can of formula and a bottle from your diaper bag.  You went to the kitchen and started reading the directions on the can.  You had no idea what to do, so you called out to Mori.

"Hey, Mori?" You called to him. 

"Yeah?" He said as he walked in the room.

"Do you know how to make this stuff?" You handed him the can and he took it, studying the label on the front, then taking the bottle and making the formula for you, testing the temperature on the back of his hand before giving it to you.

"Thanks." You said.  Before you could take the bottle from him he passed you, walking to the baby and picking them up and feeding them the bottle.  He wouldn't let you touch that baby until you had to bring them home.


Your friend got really sick and went to the doctor, leaving her baby with you.  You had started making them some formula when Hunny walked in.

"Y/N-chan what're you doing..?" Hunny asked, looking up at you with Usa-chan in his arms.

"Making the baby something to eat." You said, going over and picking up the baby and feeding it.

"When you're done can you feed me?" He asked.

"Sure." Just then the baby puked all over you.  You left the kitchen to go clean yourself and the baby up.  But that kid would not stop puking.  Five outfit changes later, you collapsed exhausted on the couch with the baby asleep in its carrier.

"Y/N-chaaaan!  When can I have my cake?" Hunny whined, dragging Usa-chan behind him by its ear.

"I'm exhausted.  Lemme take a break first." You sighed.  Hunny left, sad and jealous that the baby had all of your attention.  And he didn't get his cake either until late in the evening when the baby went home...

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