They make you blush

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You and Tamaki were at the movie theater. Your eyes were locked on the screen as you felt inside your popcorn bucket and grabbed a finger full, putting it up to your mouth. A peice fell onto your cleavage, and just before you were about to pick it up, Tamaki shoved his face on your cleavage and ate it. You blushed madly as he acted completely normal. You decided to ignore it so you wouldn't make the situation more awkward.


You were in the office reading smut. You were so absorbed in it that you didn't notice Kyoya behind you. He coughed and you quickly closed your book and turned around in your desk chair.

"If you wanted to do that stuff you could've just asked..." He said, pinning you against your chair.

"N- No thank you!" You stuttered, blushing madly. He smirked and left you a blushing mess.


You both were laying around, trying to get to sleep. You were on your back, and Hikaru inched over to you and rested his head on your chest. You didn't mind, and you started playing with his hair.

"Your boobs make great pillows." He mumbled, snuggling into you. You blushed madly and stayed quiet. Hikaru fell asleep on you, and you managed to wriggle out from under him and fall asleep.


You were trying on clothes with Kaoru. You walked out of the dressing room in a cute (favorite color) dress and spun around.

"Hot." Was all he said. Your face turned scarlet at his remark. You could also see a light blush spread across his face. Maybe it just slipped out? You ran back into the dressing room to avoid the awkward situation presented to you.


You and Mori were lazing around the house on a hot day. The air conditioner wasn't working, so you both were sweating bullets. You sat reading a magazine and Mori was watching TV. All of a sudden, Mori stripped out of his shirt and pants, leaving him in his boxers. You blushed and stared at him as he did so.

"Why'd you do that?!" You said, flustered.

"It's hot." He said, sitting back down like normal. You looked away and towards your magazine.


You and Hunny were eating some cake at the host club. You were peacefully eating your cake when Hunny pointed out something on your face.

"Y/N-chan! You've got frosting on your face! Silly!' He said, grabbing a napkin and straddling you so he could reach your face, then wiping the frosting off of you. You blushed as he did so.

"I- I could've done it myself..." You said as Hunny got off of you.

"It's okay. I don't mind!" Hunny sat back in his chair and continued eating his cake as normal.

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