They take you on a surprise vacation

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It was the first day of spring break, and Tamaki shook you awake.

"Y/N!  Hurry!  We'll miss our flight!" He said. 

"Flight?  What flight?" You said, rubbing your eyes and sitting up.

"Oh, didn't I tell you?  We're going to Hawaii!" He said excitedly.

"What?!  Why didn't you tell me earlier!" You sprung out of bed and started rummaging through the closet to find your suitcase.

"I think I forgot..." He scratched his neck as you hurriedly ran around, trying to get ready.  You finished in record time and arrived at the airport just in time for your flight.

On the trip, Tamaki yanked you by your arm to nearly every tourist attraction on the islands.  He also made you carry the hundreds of bags of souvenirs he bought...


You were sitting on the couch with Kyoya watching TV.  He was typing away on his laptop while you concentrating on the TV.  The screen displayed scenes of Hawaii and other tropical areas.

"I'd love to go there someday..." You said as you admired the sandy beaches.

"Why don't we go this weekend?" He smiled. 

"Really?!  Wow!  Thanks!" You said giddily.  The next few days were long and you excitedly waited for the day.  You zipped your packed suitcase and met Kyoya at the door, then you left for the airport.

During the trip, you both went scuba diving and brought back a ton of seashells as souvenirs.


You and Hikaru were sitting on the couch playing video games. 

"So...  Uh...  I have some plane tickets...". He said.

"To where?" You asked, your eyes locked on your screen.

"Just Japan." He said.

"Wow...  What're you going to do with them?" You asked. 

"I thought I'd ask if you wanted to go with me?" He said. 

"Really!  Of course I will!" You yelled in excitement.

On the trip you both bought a ton of merch and seen various places where animes took place. 


It was summer break and you and Hikaru hadn't had anything fun planned.  You were probably just going to play some video games, watch some movies, and laze around.

"Guess what?" Kaoru said as you walked down to breakfast.  He was at the stove cooking breakfast for the two of you.

"What?" You sat down on your chair at the table.

"I bought us tickets to France!" He said, smiling. 

"Really?  You didn't have to!" You jumped out of your chair and hugged him. 

"But I wanted to.  Let's hurry up and eat and pack before the flight." He said, handing you your breakfast.

"Wait, we're leaving today?!" You squealed.

"Yup.  3:00." He sat down at the table with you and you hurriedly ate then left to pack.

On the trip you both seen the Eiffel tower along with various other tourist attractions.


You were sitting around the house when Mori handed you a peice of paper.  You took it from him and looked at it.  A passport?

"We're going to Japan..?" You said, reading the paper.

"Yeah." He said.  You could see a faint smile on his face. 

"Oh my gosh thank you!!!" You sprang up from the couch and hugged him tightly.

On the trip you both seen various tourist attractions and bought tons of souvenirs.


You were sitting around eating candy when Hunny broke the door open.

"Y/N-CHAN WE'RE GOING TO AUSTRALIA HURRY UP AND PACK YOUR BAGS OOOH IS THAT CANDY GIMME SOME!!!" He screamed, jumping in your and eating your candy.

"Australia?  Really?" You said excitedly.

"Yup!  We're leaving at 4:00!" He said, stealing your candy bag and running off to pack his bags.

On the trip, you both seen a ton of different cute animals.  You even got to hold a koala!

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