It's your birthday

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"Y/N! Y/N! What'd you wish for? Please tell me!" Tamaki said with puppy dog eyes after you blew out your candles.

"I can't tell you! Otherwise it won't come true." You giggled.

"But what if you whisper it?" He woofed.

"That still counts as telling you though." You smiled and patted his head.

"But whatever it is I'm sure I can make it come true!" He jumped onto you and rubbed his face on yours.

"Fine, fine..." You said, getting close to his ear.

"I wished for..." You whispered into his ear.

"Not telling! Haha~!" You giggled. Tamaki disappeared to his corner and made you a cake out of dust bunnies.


Kyoya took an entire day off just to spend it with you on your birthday. He took you out to a fancy restaurant and after the main course, when you both were ordering dessert, he whispered something to the waiter. And when he came back, he had a huge (favorite flavor) cake.

"Wow! Thank you! I don't even think I'll be able to eat all of this!" You said as he served a slice to you.

"I just wanted to make sure you had your fill." He smiled.


You got up on your birthday as normal, went to school as normal, got home as normal, nothing was special. You figured that maybe Hikaru was plotting a surprise party, but when you got home, nothing. As you were playing video games with Hikaru, you decided to ask him about it.

"Y'know it's my birthday today." You said. A deer in headlights look spread across his face.

"I... Didn't know that..." He said.

"Oh..." You got kind of disappointed.

"I'm so so so sorry!" He said, holding your hand.

"It's okay I guess..." You said, smiling at him. The next day he brought you to the mall and bought you everything you wanted, then took you out to your favorite restaurant.


Kaoru brought you to the mall to buy you presents. While you were in a jewelry store, he found a (favorite color) diamond heart necklace.

"Hey, what do you think about this one?" He said, pointing to the necklace in the glass case. You looked at the sparkling peice. But your eyes widened at the price tag- $1800?!

"It's cute and all, but I'd feel bad for making you spend that kind on money on me..." You said, smiling at him.

"Nonsense. If you like it I'm going to buy it for you." He said, motioning for the cashier to come over. He bought the necklace for you and you wore it the rest of the day.


You woke up to the smell of (favorite breakfast) coming from the kitchen. You walked down and found Mori serving breakfast.

"Wow! Thank you so much!" You kissed Mori on the cheek as he served you.

"Your welcome." He said, blushing ever so slightly.

"So what're we gonna do today?" You asked, devouring your breakfast.

"Anything you want." He said. After breakfast you visited all of your favorite stores and places.


"Y/N-chan! Wake up! It's time for some birthday cake!" Hunny said, jumping on your bed with Usa-chan in his arms.

"Just five more minutes..." You mumbled, clutching your blanket.

"But the candles will go out by then!" He pulled your arm.

"Okay..." You rubbed your eyes. When you looked up you seen a huge 7 tier cake with at least 100 candles on it.

"Wah! Hunny that's gonna start a fire!" You said, quickly getting up.

"Blow em out! Blow em out!" Hunny started jumping up and down again as you frantically blew the candles out before the fire department showed up.

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