You go to an amusement park

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Tamaki decided to take you to a commoners amusement park after he found a coupon in the newspaper.  Tamaki seen a stuffed bear in the ski ball booth and he just HAD to have it. 

"Tamaki...  You've spent $500 on this game, and haven't even gotten close.  Why don't I just buy it for you." You said to him as you got your wallet out. 

"NO!  IT'S ABOUT THE PRINCIPLE, NOT THE PRIZE!" He said back.  He bought another round.  His focus was sharp as he rolled the ball perfectly into the hole, finally winning his prize.

"I told you I could do it!" He said, hugging the gigantic bear.

"But now we don't have any money for lunch, nor anything else..." You sighed. 





"No.  Now stop asking."

"But it'll be fun!" You begged for Kyoya to go on the roller coaster with you, but he wouldn't do it.

"How many times do I have to tell you?  No." Kyoya scribbled in his book.

"As many times as it takes you to get on the ride." You pulled his arm.

"Fine.  If it'll get you off my back." Kyoya closed his book and you dragged him into the ride.  When you sat down, he started sweating and looking quite nervous.  Then the ride slowly rose to its highest point, then sped downward.  Just then Kyoya started screaming like a little girl!  You sat and laughed through the whole ride.

"I'm never coming here ever again..." Kyoya said, regaining his balance on the gates.

"YOU SCREAMED LIKE A LITTLE GIRL HAHAHA!!!" You laughed uncontrollably as Kyoya shit you a nasty glare.  "Let's go get our pictures!" You giggled and yanked Kyoya with you.

"They took pictures?!" Kyoya said angrily.

"Yup." You stopped in front of the machine and snatched your picture from it.  "HA LOOK AT YOUR FACE!  WE'VE GOT TO SHOW THUS TO THE OTHER GUYS!" You ran off with the embarrassing picture, Kyoya ran after you in an effort to not bruise his image.


"Think you can get that stuffed animal?" You asked Hikaru, both of your faces pressed against the glass of the claw machine.  Inside was a mountain of plushies depicting various video game and anime characters.

"We're going to be here a while." Hikaru shoved a coin into the slot.  His focus was as sharp as a blade, and he moved the joystick skillfully, aligning it perfectly with the animal.  Then he pressed the button and the claw went down, perfectly grasping the plush-

Then it fell...

"I see how it's going to be...  You're the rigged kind of machine..." He said as he inserted another coin.

"I did it!  Aren't I the best boyfriend ever?" Hikaru finally said.  It had been 4 hours and you'd fell asleep on the Pac-Man machine.

"Of course you are!" You said, sleepily hugging the ginger, who smiled in pride.


"What do you want to do?" Kaoru asked as you walked into the amusement park.

"I dunno... What do you wanna do?" You asked.

"Hm...  How about we go on a roller coaster!" He said, a devilish smile crept onto his face.

"Wha-?  No!  Please!  They're scary!" You begged as Kaoru dragged you into the roller coaster. 

"It'll be fun!  I promise!" He said to you, sitting in the cart.  After a few minutes, you felt the ride start to go forward, and you started to get scared when it hit its peak.  When the ride sped down, You held on tightly, but didn't scream.  Kaoru giggled next to you.  When the ride ended, you dizzily got out with Kaoru.

"ONE MORE TIME!" You said as you dragged Kaoru to another coaster.  You dragged him on every.  single.  coaster.  Until he threw up and you guys left.


"You sure about this?" Mori asked as you waited for the roller coaster to start.

"Of course.  Don't tell me you're nervous!" You said to Mori, who didn't respond.  Just then, the coaster booted up and you both travelled up to the highest point, then sped down.  Of course, Mori had literally no response, you giggled next to him.  After the ride you dizzily bumped into him.

"We're not doing that again." He said, wobbling slightly.


"Y/N!  Look at all the amazing desserts here!" Hunny said, looking at the menu of a food cart.

"There sure is a lot of cakes to choose from...  What are you going to get?" You asked the cheerful boy.

"All of them, of course!" He said, which made your jaw drop.  But then again, what did you expect?

You sat at a picnic table filled with sweets of all kinds.  You barely made a dent in the mountain of desserts, Hunny however, could never waste perfectly good sweets.  So he ate every single sweet on that table.  He ended up getting really tired so you both went home after that.

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