You make him blush

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"Pleeease? Don't you want to have any fun?" Tamaki begged, yanking on your arm. He really wanted to play twister with you, but you didn't really want to play.

"If it'll stop your begging I suppose on round won't hurt..." You sighed. Tamaki perked up and set up the game at the speed of light.

Everything was going decently for the first few turns, but then your position got quite awkward. Your boobs were very close to Tamaki's face, which made a blush appear on his face. You didn't notice though. You spun it wheel again.

"Right foot on red..." You said. You tried to move your foot over, but you lost balance and fell. Your boobs landed directly over his face, making him blush uncontrollably.

"S- Sorry!" You said, getting up.

"I- I'll be right back!" He said as he ran towards the bathroom.


You and Kyoya we're getting ready to go to the beach. You put on your bathing suit, which you hadn't tried on since last summer. It was a little tight, and showed a little more of your chest than you wanted, but you thought it was okay. You left the bathroom to get Kyoya's opinion.

"Do you think this fits okay?" You asked. Kyoya looked up and his cheeks turned a slight shade of pink.

"Let's... Go get you a new swim suit..." You said, motioning you back into the bathroom to change.


You were sleeping peacefully in bed when your alarm went off, signalling that it was time to wake up. You didn't wake up though. After a few minutes, Hikaru went into your room to drag you out of bed.

"Y/N? It time to wake... Up..." He trailed off and a blush spread across his face. You were sleeping in a rather awkward position, and wearing a skirt. Your panties were fully visible. He stared for a few seconds before approaching you.

"Y- Y/N? I- It's time to wake up..." He stuttered, shaking you lightly. His blush remained on his face.

"Five more minutes..." You groggily said.

"Please just get up..." He shook you again. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. But when you opened them, Hikaru was gone.


"Kaoru! I missed you sooo much!" You said to Kaoru as he waited outside for you. Kaoru had went to a wedding which was being held far away, and he was gone for a week. But today he'd returned.

You tackled him into a hug, causing him to stumble backwards a little. His hands touched your chest area a little bit in the process. You didn't notice it, but he sure did.

"I- I missed you too..." He stuttered, a pink blush tinted his face. You weren't sure why though, so you just talked like normal as you both walked to school.


Mori woke up to you sleeping on him in a rather awkward position. You were straddling him and your chest was very close to his face. A slight blush spread across his face as he carried you off of him and shook you awake.

"Get ready" He said as he seen your eyes flutter open.

"Okay..." You groggily said as you left to get ready.


You and Hunny were eating some cake in the host club.

"You got some on your face." You said as you wiped the frosting off of Hunny's cheek with your thumb. This made him blush slightly.

"Thanks!" He said as he smiled at you.

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