They eat your snacks

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"Hey, Y/N, what kind of chocolates were these?" Tamaki held up a bag of chocolate.  But this wasn't just any chocolate, it was YOUR chocolate! 

"Tamakiiiiiii!  That was mine!" You grabbed the bag from him and looked inside.  Empty.

"Whoops.  If it makes you feel any better, they were delicious." Tamaki scratched the back of his neck.

"No, Tamaki... That doesn't make me feel the least bit better..." You sighed.  The empty bag of chocolates was thrown into the trash, along with your happiness...


You woke up to the obnoxious beeping of your alarm clock.  After knocking over literally everything on your bedside table, you finally turned it off.  You threw your blanket off if you and rubbed the sleep from your eyes, then heading to the kitchen for breakfast.  After running into a few walls, you arrived at the freezer.  You opened the door, which let out a chilly breeze that made you shiver.  You slipped your arm into the box of waffles that was reserved for you, only to find that it was empty!  You broke from your groggy state and snapped your head back.  Kyoya was eating YOUR waffles! 

"Kyoya... Those were MY waffles!" You looked at him in an intimidating way, and he looked up from his stolen breakfast.

"Your waffles?  If I remember correctly, they were in our fridge." He took a large bite of a waffle, as if to tease you.

"Kyoya I bought these myself just so I could have a complete breakfast!" You tossed the empty box into the trash.

"I guess you'll have to eat an incomplete breakfast then." He ate the last of your precious waffles...


Today was the day!  The day that the next season of (Favorite anime) aired!  You made sure to buy all your favorite drinks and snacks for the occasion. 

' Only 15 more minutes! ' You thought​ to yourself, opening the cabinet that contained your goodies.  Only to find it completely empty!  You went to the living room and seen the empty snack bags surrounding him.

"How could you?!" You yelled. 

"What?" Hikaru just looked back at you.

"You ate my snacks!" You threw a pillow at him. 

"Go get some grapes or something!" He doesn't understand.  You can't just watch a show as great as (Fav Anime) with measly grapes!

"You owe me!" You stormed out, leaving the ginger to continue​ to stuff himself with the last of your snacks...


The smell of freshly baked sweets filled the kitchen as you took the cookies out of the oven.  It's the day before Valentine's day and you were making cookies for the host club.  You decided to leave the hot cookie out until they cooled so you could frost them.  You sat down for a few hours watching TV, then when you returned, you seen Kaoru eating your cookies!

"Kaoru, no!  Those were for the host club!" You took the tray off the counter.

"Sorry, they looked so good I couldn't​ resist!" He said, mouth full. 

"Well I guess I'll just have to buy cookies instead..." You sighed.


You returned home from a long, hard day of school.  The promise of a huge cupcake motivated you.  You went straight to the kitchen to claim the cupcake, but you couldn't find it anywhere. 

"Mori?  Have you seen my cupcake?" You called for him.  But when you entered the room, you seen your precious cupcake being eaten by Mori! 

"Mori!  I was saving that!" You moped.

"Sorry..." You weren't sure if he was truly sorry or not because he just shoved the rest of the cupcake into his mouth...


You had just returned from the store with bags of sweets.  But before you could settle down with them, you wanted to take a bath.

"Please don't eat these.  Okay, Hunny?" You motioned towards the sweets on the table.  He nodded in response.

After your bath, you dressed in some comfy pajamas and went to the kitchen to eat your sweets.  But you returned to only empty boxes!

"Hunny!  I told you not to eat them!" You confronted the boy, who was just finishing off a yellow frosted cupcake. 

"I'M SORRY Y/N I WAS JUST GOING TO EAT ONE BUT THEN I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF AND I ATE THEM ALL!!!" The smol bab ran into your arms, crying uncontrollably.

"Just please don't do it again..." You sighed, ruffling his hair.

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