three / the guitar

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Patrick pulled the car onto a magnificent and quite royal looking paved driveway. The house was huge. It was a stone built mansion with a large porch and small fountain. Not to mention the beautifully kept land that surrounded it.

I got out of the car and Patrick already had my bags in his hand. I smiled at him in thanks and followed him towards the porch. I walked up the steps and my eyes wandered and Patrick unlocked the door. I reached up and let my fingers brush the wind chime that hung outside. It made a beautiful sound, especially when the breeze caught it.

‘’That was my grandma’s. My mom didn’t want it so I thought I’d have it’’ he grinned and looked at it in a proud kind of way, I smiled.

‘’It’s beautiful’’.

‘’Thank you’’.

I followed him into the reception hall. It was huge. There was a large marble table, sporting a vase of lily’s in the centre. The staircase split off into two directions, leading to either side of the house. I looked to my left and saw the start of what appeared to be a kitchen. To my right, I could just make out a large TV. Wow, I thought.

‘’I’ll show you your room if you like,’’ he smiled. I nodded and ran up the stairs after him.

Patrick took a left and we walked down a short corridor. He pushed open a door to reveal the most amazing bedroom I’ve ever seen. All the walls were white washed, and the floor was a stoney-grey laminate. There was a white double bed in the middle, surrounded by shelves, soon to be filled with what little I had. The desk was also white, topped with a baby blue lamp. The wardrobes were arctic white and arched over a dressing table with a full length mirror. There was an old guitar bracketed onto the wall by the desk.

‘’Is that yours?’’ I said, walking over to the guitar. It was a red and black bass guitar, it had a string missing but it still looked pretty cool.

‘’Pete’s actually. I can take it down if you don’t like it-‘’

‘’No, I love it! I love the room, thank you so much!’’ I smiled at Patrick who smiled back, a glint in the corner of his eye. I guess I must’ve made him happy.

‘’You’re welcome! I’m gonna go get some snacks and stuff ready for when the guys come round, that okay?’’ I nodded, ‘’Pizza good for dinner? I forgot to go shopping’’ Patrick gave me a worried sarcastic expression, I chuckled,

‘’Pizza’s great, thank you’’.

‘’I’ll be right downstairs, just call me if you need anything. I’ll show you round later’’.

‘’Okay, thanks again…for all this’’ I smiled. Patrick stopped at the door, as if he was going to say something, but he didn’t. He gave me a heart-felt smile and nodded before closing the door. I listened out until his footsteps had disappeared, then I started to un-pack.

I didn’t have much, but thankfully the room was already pretty cosy, so it didn’t need filling. I took my time arranging every little thing, adjusting it to make it my own. Once I was satisfied with the way everything looked, I sat down on the bed. I then realised that Patrick had said the other guys from the band were coming over. I was currently dressed in some jeans and a hoodie, not really how you dress when meeting a famous band. I quickly undressed and picked out some black skinnys and a grey quarter length top with long sleeves. It was cuffed around the hem so it went nicely with skinny jeans. I pulled on a pair of Chelsea boots and sat back on the bed, staring up at Pete’s old bass. It was just crazy to think that these guys were my favourite band, and every day I’d have Pete Wentz’s guitar up on my wall, I-

‘’Pat! I wanna meet this chick, where’s she at?’’

*a/n I really enjoy writing this story, idek it's just so fun:3


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