twenty two / still here

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‘’I felt scared, man, so scared,’’

‘’In what way?’’

‘’I don’t know…I was just so scared. She’d never been like that towards me before and the whole thing just scared me,’’

A long and eerie silence followed. I wondered if they knew that I could hear them. Despite my eyes being closed and looking like I was dead apart from the frequent rising and falling of the covers over my chest, I could hear everyone loud and clear. Part of me didn’t want to hear what they were saying, but part of me was screaming out that this was the only way I was ever going to get anything out of them, without them shadowing anything.

I continued to listen out for speaking. Nothing. A shit load of nothing but sighs and sniffs. There was the occasional scrape of a chair or wheels of a cart from the corridor outside my room, but nothing else. I could feel them all in here, though. Andy, Pete, Patrick and Joe. I heard them say that Brendon, Spencer, Kenny and Dallon were going to try and get down here to see me soon. That scared me. I didn’t know how long soon meant. They probably know more about what state I’m in than myself. From then on I became scared and that’s when I began listening to every single word that they were each saying.

‘’Come on Ell, please wake up,’’

I felt Patrick take a hold of my left hand. He was holding on ever so tight, but it was what I needed. He had no idea that I could tell he was touching me. But I knew. I could feel his touch and his breath on my wrist. I slowed my breathing some more and my mind began to ponder over some kind of signal that I could send to them all, to let them know that I was okay.

‘’Guys she just squeezed my hand!’’

I felt Patrick stand up, still holding onto my hand like it was the last thing on earth that he couldn’t bear to part with for anything. I mentally smiled. My physically state couldn’t do anything of the sort.

‘’Dude, don’t play us like that…’’ I heard Pete say, his voice floating over from the other side of the room.

‘’She did! I swear!’’

There was a sigh from somebody.

‘’You need a coffee, it’s late,’’ Andy stood up and I heard the door close right next to me. The breeze blew my hair. It fell in an awkward place but I couldn’t set it right. It was annoying, until Patrick noticed and fixed it for me. I used up the last of my energy to give his hand another faint squeeze.

‘’She just did it again!’’

‘’Patrick stop,’’ Pete growled, ‘’This isn’t funny,’’

Patrick just sighed and sat back down on his chair, still gripping my hand.

I’m still here guys. Don’t give up on me just yet.

*a/n so I updated 'They Had The World' and in the A/N of that, I mentioned the idea of someone wanting to do like a collab fic with me? I have lots of ideas but don't have the time, so something like this would be cool and a first for me. Please inbox me if you're interested:)

let me know if you enjoyed this different chapter:)


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