thirty six / a phone call

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By the time I was dressed and ready to go out, it ended up just being the three of us. Andy had his date with Kayla, which he didn’t want to go on after he knew about the conversation Pete and I had. It took me at least twenty minutes to persuade him to even budge from his bed and go and take a shower because he just wanted to stay by my side the whole time in case anything else between Pete and myself happened whilst he was gone and there was nobody to protect us. However, after much deliberating, I managed to pick out some clothes that he insisted were black and kick him out of the room and on the way to his date.

I showered and picked out skinny jeans and a shirt with a pair of boots. I took the lift down to the lobby and was faced with ½ of Fall Out Boy. I walked over to Patrick and Joe with a questioning look and a raised eyebrow.

‘’Said he was too tired,’’ Joe just shrugged. Millions of reasons flashed through my head as to why Pete wasn’t down here with us. Some normal ones, maybe he was too tired? But then there were some that managed to linger in my brain for hours on end, maybe he didn’t want to be around me because he did like me that much, but it was ridiculous of me for it to even cross my mind.

Spending the night with Patrick and Joe was way more fun than I could ever have thought. I still hadn’t taken in how much of a great guy Joe was. The only time we’d ever had one-on-one was when we went to the cinema to see Bad Neighbours because nobody else would go with me. And that was kind of hard to bond since we were in silence for 2 hours. It was still fun and afterwards we went for a meal in Nandos which was cool, I really liked hanging out with Joe. He’s so much more relaxed than the other boys, apart from Brendon. I swear that kid was on something. Whenever I see him he’s always bouncing off the walls.

Speaking of Brendon, I later that evening, during our meal, got a call from what I thought was him.


‘’Hey Ell! How’s England?’’ Spencer’s voice rang through the phone.

‘’Spence? Why are you on Brendon’s phone?’’

‘’I lost mine, now answer the damn question!’’

I chuckled, ‘’England is great, thank you. I miss you loads,’’

‘’I miss you too, Ell! When you get back, I’m taking you to see the new Avengers movie, deal?’’

‘’Deal, Smith. I have to go now, my food’s here. I’ll see you in a few days!’’

‘’Bye babe!’’.

I hung up my phone and slid it back into my pocket. The boys had already started their meal and Joe had way more fries than myself, which caused him to give me a cheeky smile when I questioned him. I chuckled at him and stole some back. Patrick got sick of our continual fries fight and went to the extremes of counting out all the fries so we had an even number.

We were talking about our trip so far and what we planned to do on our last day, tomorrow. We were only here for a few days because Fall Out Boy were heading off on a major tour with Paramore. I was staying with Brendon and Sarah who kindly offered. We’d been given tickets to a couple of the shows so I wouldn’t be without them for such a long time. I was super excited about everything and I couldn’t wait to be with Brendon and Sarah for a month.

The conversation was mainly about tour, and then it turned to Pete. I began to get worried as they spoke about why we wouldn’t come to dinner. They didn’t believe that he was too tired. I hated lying to them. I knew why he wouldn’t come down. Of course he wasn’t tired, it would have been too awkward for us to be together after what happened. He needed space.

‘’Did Pete tell you why he wasn’t coming to dinner?’’ Patrick turned to me from my left. He looked right at me, right directly into my eyes. He was so innocent, so oblivious to the whole thing. I couldn’t take it anymore. I’d been through so much with the whole situation and I didn’t want to take it any further.

‘’No,’’ I sighed, ‘’But I know why,’’.

AN HEY so this was quite a long chapter and i really like it idk why:3


I know people reading this might not even like Panic! At The Disco but i would be SO SO SO grateful if you took some time to read 'They Had The World'. I really want it to get 1k reads soon so if you guys could maybe have a read? Thank you so much, I'm sorry for self-promoting so much ahjdhruwmdnhej


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