thirty four / the tour guide

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I woke up the next morning bright and early. The curtains weren’t fully closed and the rising sunlight was peeking through and shining into my room. The noise from next door, which sounded like Pete arguing with Andy about something ridiculous, also contributed to my awakening.

I slid out of bed, fixing the covers. I checked the time, realising that I needed to be up now anyway. The time was 8:34 and I needed to be down for breakfast by 9:15 at the latest. We were going to Old Trafford for a tour which I was super excited about. I had never been here before and I couldn’t believe my luck when the guys told me they’d booked the tickets.

I washed and dressed in skinny jeans and my United jersey, pulled on some boots and headed out of my room, grabbing a jacket as I went. I made sure the door had closed and then I headed downstairs. I took the lift down to breakfast. I assumed that Pete and Andy were already down here since the noise had stopped as I was getting dressed.

My assumption was correct. I walked into the hotel restaurant and took a seat next to Joe, saying morning to everyone. The waiter came over and I ordered an English breakfast, much like the others too. After a filling breakfast, we headed out into the street and hailed a cab. I jumped in next to Patrick. He could sense how excited I was since I was sat with my face pressed up against the window the whole journey to the ground.

Once we arrived, I stepped out of the taxi in complete awe at the place. It was huge. I already loved it. I had never felt more at home than I did right now.

‘’Guys, come on,’’ I grinned and beckoned for them to follow me, which they all did.

We walked aimlessly through the empty tunnels, I was even drawn to every single turnstile, it fascinated me that much being here. I loved it. We ended up following a family to find where we were supposed to go for the tour since Joe got us lost.

We queued up for around 10 minutes to check our details and be handed our passes. Then, we went up three flights of escalators and we reached a floor that a group of 15 ish other people were waiting on.

‘’Hi, I’m Kayla and I’ll be your tour guide for today.  If you’d like to follow me, we’ll begin downstairs and start off in the Munich tunnel,’’

The group began to mumble and a slow shuffle of feet took us all back outside and into the Munich tunnel. We stopped at all the monuments that were built into the walls of the ground. I could tell Andy like the tour guide. She was really cute. She had shoulder length brown hair with bangs and really pretty greeny/brown eyes. It was so obvious that Andy was into her, I was sure he wasn’t even paying attention to what was coming out of her mouth as she spoke to everyone.

‘’So this candle will burn till the day Old Trafford gets knocked down,’’

‘’And that’s been a light since the place was built?’’ Andy spoke up. The rest of the boys and I looked at each other. Andy never spoke to anyone if he didn’t need to, especially in front of a group of people and especially if it was a girl. I smiled to myself. The group were talking amongst themselves, taking photos and whatnot, but Andy and Kayla were in a deep conversation which excited me.

‘’Take our picture would you?’’ Patrick and I sat underneath the two goalkeeper shirts in the dressing room. I gave my biggest smile as Joe took the picture. Andy and Pete were taking selfies with everyone else on the tour in the background. I quickly approached them as Pete was just about to grab some man and get him to pose with them.

‘’Oh hey, be in my selfie?’’ Pete took the picture before I could even answer. I was laughing, so it wasn’t too bad.

We took a couple more photos in the changing rooms and such, sat on the benches underneath shirts. My favourite was a photo of myself sat under Juan Mata’s shirt. I was pointing up to his name with a starstruck expression on my face. I loved it, Pete said I looked like a cute goofball, whatever that was.

The rest of the tour was amazing. We got guy to take a photo of us all sat in the dugouts which made my day. Patrick made me pose with my ‘Mata 8’ shirt and I stood at the edge of the box, as if I was about to go on the pitch. It was a cool picture and I think I started a trend since a bunch of little kids started doing the same.

We were walking down the corridor, following Kayla back into the United store which was the end of the tour. I caught up with Andy, pulling down on his sleeve.


‘’Hey!’’ He smiled down at me.

‘’Have you got her number yet?’’ I asked.


I rolled my eyes, ‘’Don’t give me that, it’s obvious you like her. Go and get her number!’’ He blushed and I pushed him in her direction as we walked into the store. I watched from behind a shelf of footballs as Andy charmed her. I felt a sense of happiness rush through me as they exchanged phones and typed in each other’s numbers. They smiled and Kayla blushed as they awkwardly said goodbye, man, they made a cute couple.

I was still smiling in awe when someone, Pete, grabbed my arm and pulled me outside of the store. He pushed me against the wall and kissed me. I kissed back for a little while before pushing him off me.

‘’They could come out any second!’’ I giggled.

Pete just grinned, his eyes flickering from my eyes to my lips, ‘’I don’t care, I just wanted to kiss you, it’s been too long,’’ He smiled and kissed me again. I was so damn lucky. Then the store door opened.



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