six / patrick's pancakes

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I woke up the next morning, and for the first time in a long while, I had a smile on my face. I had a really good nights sleep and sleep always affects my mood. So thanks to Patrick’s bed buying skills, I was in for a good day.

I quickly washed and dressed, skinny jeans and a silk shirt with cuffed sleeves, and my boots. I did my make-up and headed down the stairs. I could hear Patrick singing from in the kitchen so I quietly creeped in. I had become really comfortable around him, I had gotten used to the fact that he was now my ‘dad’ or whatever he wanted to be called, I was calling him Patrick. The other boys made me feel really comfortable around them too. They were always cracking a joke or having a conversation with me, playing on the Xbox with me, I was never left out, which is nice. I’ve learnt that Joe is the crazy one, Andy is the quiet and, dare I say it, the most sensible. Pete is the one that seems quiet on the surface, but underneath, he’s just as loud and crazy as Joe. Patrick is the second most normal, after Andy. Patrick is the one that takes control, tells everyone what to do and makes the decisions. Which, after meeting these boys, they need Patrick, otherwise they’d still be on the floor in the lounge with pizza smeared on their faces.

‘’Morning!’’ Patrick gave me a wide smile, ‘’Pancakes?’’

‘’Please,’’ I smiled back and sat at the table. Patrick presented a plate of pancakes with a bottle of maple syrup. I thanked him and poured the syrup all over my pancakes before tucking in. Patrick joined me.

‘’So the guys are coming round in like,’’ He glanced at his watch upon his wrist, ‘’twenty minutes. We’re going to Brendon’s so you and the other Panic! guys can meet you. They’ve never stopped going on about you after I mentioned that you were moving in with me,’’

‘’Moving in?’’ I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

‘’Sounds cooler than adopted, right?’’ He grinned, I suppose he was right. And he was being nice, trying to forget the past that I had at the orphanage. It was a fresh start here with Patrick, and now I understand why he said ‘moving in’.

‘’Sure does,’’ I grinned and cleaned my plate clear of pancakes. I put my plate and glass in the dishwasher, just as the doorbell rang. Patrick jumped up to get it so I took it upon myself to put his plate away and set the dishwasher going.

‘’There she is!’’ Joe barged into the kitchen and tackled me to the ground. I was laughing so hard that his weight on top of me felt like nothing.

‘’Dude she can’t breathe!’’ Andy said, helping me to my feet and hugging me.

‘’Thanks,’’ I chuckled, he smiled.

‘’Hola bitches,’’ Pete walked in and smiled when he saw me, ‘’Hi Ellianah!’’ He came over and hugged me, I hugged back and he lifted me off my feet a little.

‘’To the Urie’s?’’ Patrick said.

‘’To the Urie’s.’’

~a/n i finally updated! comment/vote thanks guys!~

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