thirty three / turn off the lights

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Once we were back in the hotel, we somehow ended up four drinks later in the bar. We were all pretty awake still, but I was beginning to feel the weight of my eyelids. The night had been fun, a really great way to start off this Manchester experience, but I knew that it was time for me to get at least some rest.

‘’I’m going to bed now guys,’’ I stood up, yawning.

‘’Yeah, uh, me too,’’ Pete said, quickly standing up.

We started to walk away but Joe called Pete back, ‘’Don’t you need a key?’’ He asked.

Pete’s face went blank, ‘’Andy needs it. Besides, I can get in through the door in Ell’s room. Night guys,’’ Pete quickly waved them off, Andy shaking his head, laughing at his awkwardness.

We decided to walk off dessert and take the stairs over the lift. We talked about things, I laughed about Pete’s awkwardness and before we knew it we were back inside my hotel room. I kicked off my shoes and sat down on my bed, turning on the TV to see some news.

Pete came and sat next to me, pulling off his jumper. He put his arm around my shoulder and I leant into him.

‘’Thank you for doing all this,’’ I said quietly.

‘’Doing what?’’

‘’Coming here. Being nice to me, I don’t know, I just never even thought I’d get adopted, you know?’’

Pete laughed, ‘’Well you know what, all those people that didn’t adopt you didn’t know what they were missing out on,’’ I looked up at Pete who was smiling like a maniac.

‘’You mean that?’’

‘’Of course, you loser,’’ He grinned and kissed my cheek. His lips lingered there for a little too long but I wasn’t complaining.

He jumped off the bed and wandered into his room, leaving the door wide open. I changed into my shorts and a tank top and slid under the covers of my bed.

‘’Pete?’’ I called out. He came into the room, closing his door behind him.

‘’Yeah?’’ He asked, closing turning off one of the lights.

‘’I was going to ask you to turn off the lights but you already did,’’

Pete walked over to my bed and crawled in next to me, flicking off the bedside light.

‘’That’s a Panic! song you know,’’ He spoke to me through the darkness.

‘’I know, it’s one of my favourites,’’ I smiled, even though he couldn’t see.

We were in silence for a few moments, although I could feel Pete staring at me. Not once did he look away from me. It was so quiet. We were in the centre of the city, the third biggest city in England and I couldn’t hear a thing but the sound of Pete and I’s breathing. It felt like something from a dream. Everything at that moment was so surreal and when he kissed me, it felt even more like a fairy tale.

‘’I know this is a really weird scenario but I don’t know what to do…’’ I whispered.

I felt Pete’s hand find its way to my waist. He pulled me closer to him and I got comfy in his chest.

‘’I know,’’ He replied, ‘’But right now, you just gotta follow your heart,’’.



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