forty five / bang

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We walked together. The noise was ever growing around us and it felt as though if one more person started screaming, we'd all be swallowed up. I gripped Ryan's hand and he squeezed back. It calmed my nerves for a short while. Until we reached backstage.

The noise level began to slowly fade. The sound of my own breathing was the only thing to our mask the ear splitting cheers. Then I heard a laugh, I heard lots of laughs and that's when I knew I'd been standing still. Ryan was stood by my side, staring down at me, Brendon and Sarah had disappeared. Ryan opened his mouth to speak but I let go of his hand and ran down the corridor, following the sound of laughter.

I continued running until I ran into something hard, something firm. My eyes closed as I felt myself fall backwards, only to be hauled back up to my feet and smothered into someone's chest.

"Damn I missed your hugs!" I looked up and saw Joe. Man, he'd changed. His usual mop of curls was now quiffed with purple died into the tips. He looked good! It was only then that I noticed a girl stood behind him. She was smiling nervously. I felt Ryan's presence behind me as Joe moved to the left, pulling the girl forward.

"Let me guess, Lucy-Jade?" I grinned. Joe nodded, smiling down at her. She held her hand out to me and I shook it with a friendly smile.

"I'm Ellianah, I've heard a whole lot about you," I said.

"Likewise. It's nice to finally meet you!" She exclaimed as our hands separated.

We spoke for a little while until Andy appeared from nowhere, pushing Joe aside and pulling me into a huge hug. I hugged him back, not wanting him to let go. It was only then that I realised how much I missed Andy and his hugs. He most definitely gave the best ones.

Joe and Lucy-Jade disappeared, leaving Andy, myself and Ryan to talk. He told me that Kayla was coming over to America next week for the rest of the year, meaning he could see her. I was so happy for him. I just knew how excited he was when he spoke about her, his eyes lit up and his cheeks faded to a crimson colour. Andy fell silent when I heard another girls laugh.

"Who's that?" I asked. He cocked his head to the side and I followed him into a room. I saw a girl sat with Patrick. It was only Patrick, the girl, Joe and Lucy in the room, to which none of them noticed us until Andy cleared his throat.

"Ell, you're here," Patrick jumped up, his speech coming out as a question rather than a statement. He quickly smiled and walked over to me, hugging me tightly. It wasn't as heartfelt as Andy's, nor Joe's so I knew he was still mad about what happened. Even if it was weeks ago.

I hugged back and tried to act not upset, turning my attention to the girl he was with.

"Oh, this is Gabrielle, my girlfriend," Patrick smiled proudly. The girl looked at me, then my outstretched hand. Turns out she wasn't much of a shaker since I was immediately pulled into a hug. I hugged back, not wanting to be rude.

I introduced myself to her and we began talking, Lucy also joining in our conversation. Ryan and the guys spoke amongst themselves. I began to laugh at a story Lucy told us about Joe, but I jumped halfway out of my skin.

The door swung open, slamming against the wall. I was hidden behind a wall of people and I couldn't see a thing. My initial thoughts were that it was Brendon, because Brendon's as clumsy as they come. But then, he spoke.

"Oh shit, there's a dint the size of Brendon's forehead in the wall now! Stupid door...".

AN lmao this is s h i t. I'm aware sorry but I was writing on my phone and I haven't updated in like 18372847 days so I thought I would. So yeah. Thanks for understanding and stuff, here's the chapter:))

Gracias:;:;:; comment/vote

p.s I love Angél Di Maria a lot <33333

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