thirty five / living in denial

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‘’What the- guys?’’ Patrick was stood in the doorway of the store, his hand unclasped and his carrier bag fell to the floor. I gulped and shuffled away from Pete, who did the same.

‘’What’s going on…’’ Andy’s tone faded as he walked out of the door. He was stood behind Patrick, giving me the ‘did-he-catch-you’ look. I gave him a small nod.

‘’Andy they kissed, what the hell?’’ Patrick seemed angry, really angry. He started pacing around outside the store, Joe only just exiting into the sunlight. I just stayed put, Pete too. Neither of us knew what the next move was, so we left it to Andy.

‘’Hey, hey, were you guys actually kissing?’’ Andy said, shooting us the use a lie eyes.

‘’What? No! Of course not!’’ Pete leapt forward, being the first to delve into the lie. I didn’t like lying to Patrick, but I couldn’t tell him the truth either.

‘’You weren’t?’’ Patrick looked up from under his hat, his eyes were dark and scared.

‘’No!’’ Pete laughed, ‘’Dude I was just giving her a hug,’’

Patrick broke out into a smile and he gave us a small giggle, ‘’Phew, I thought something was going on between you two for a second,’’

I laughed, ‘’Are you crazy or what?’’ Patrick smiled at me. I clung onto his arm as we walked, turning back to Andy and mouthing a ‘thank you’. Joe was on his phone again, probably chatting away to Lucy-Jade. I most definitely needed to meet this girl. If she was good enough for Joe, she would be a good enough friend for me.

We took a stroll around the outside of the stadium for a while before catching a cab back to the hotel. It was around five and we were all quite tired so we decided to go back to our rooms for a rest instead of going out straight away. I retreated to my room first, not speaking to any of the others but Patrick. I didn’t want him getting any other ideas that might put him on the wrong track.

I was watching the TV when Pete walked in. He had changed into black jeans and a vest with some high top trainers. He had an apologetic look on his face. It brought guilt to me. I felt bad for the both of us. It wasn’t nice having to sneak around to try to be together. I suppose we weren’t even together, Pete hadn’t hinted at us being together apart from kisses. It was a strange scenario and I don’t think either of us were sure what we really needed from one another.

‘’Hey, look, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for kissing you and it’s my fault and I-‘’

‘’Pete, stop,’’ I cut him off. He looked up, taking off his hat and holding it in his hands. I beckoned him over and he took a seat on the bed next to me.

‘’It’s not you, it’s not me, it’s both of us. We’re both living in denial. It’s ridiculous, right? You have to agree. Neither of us know what we’re doing. I’m like six years younger than you and, not that it’s the age that’s the issue, it’s the fact that we have to sneak around to even be with each other. It’s going to become obvious soon. Even though I find it the most exciting thing ever when we run away together and you kiss me without anyone knowing, people, i.e Patrick are going to start realising soon enough. I don't want it to cause anything between you and him because it could ruin everything. I’m sorry Pete, I think it’s for the best it we just…stop all of this,’’.

I looked up at Pete. He was staring down at his hat, twisting it between his fingers. He sighed and nodded. We both knew I was right.

‘’You’re right,’’ He chuckled, ‘’It was kind of crazy, wasn’t it? And I thought that it could work…’’ He shook his head and looked at me, ‘’I’m sorry I put you through all of this. I still like you a lot, more than a friend, but we both know what’s the best thing to do,’’.

I nodded, giving him a small smile, ‘’Don’t be sorry, we can’t help who we’re drawn to, right?’’.

Pete smiled and left, closing the door behind him. I was left in an eerie silence. I didn’t like it. I couldn’t quite believe that I’d just done that. I liked Pete, I really did, but neither of us needed the hassle right now. I was still young, younger than Pete and he didn’t want to spend his years chasing after me when I lived with his band mate.

But maybe he did. Maybe he did want to.


So I've just made a new account, @putuporshutup- . I started it purely because I have tons of story ideas but I don't want this account to be too cluttered with the stories I already have. So bascially I have OCD, that's it. I've posted a story over there called 'The Bet'. It's a Jack Barakat fanfic and I'm currently working of the first chapter of a Patrick Stump fanfic too, which will be posted on that account. I'm pretty sure you readers will want to check out that one too when it's up so follow the account to be notified! Please drop me a comment on 'The Bet' and I'll update this story and that one ASAP!

Thanks for all your support!


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