seventeen / decaydance

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As soon as we arrived home, I took it upon myself to go straight upstairs to my room without saying another word. I left the boys and shut the door, separating them and their arguing from myself. I didn't like to see them arguing, especially because Pete and Patrick never argue. I could even hear Andy getting a few words in now, and Andy never shouts. I really didn't like it. I couldn't hear Joe, but I suppose that was a good thing.
I decided to shower. I washed my hair and then dried it, dressing in some shorts and an old t-shirt of my brothers before he passed away. My brother was a pretty tall 14 year old. He was much more muscular than all the other kids and was more physically advanced too. I kept a few of his and my father's shirts and a couple of my mom's old dresses.
I was sat on my bed, sketching some of the garden from the view of my window when the door opened. It made me jump a little, no knocking or anything. I gave Joe a little smile when he lingered awkwardly in the doorway for a few moments.
''Uh, the guys and I want to talk to you downstairs, if that's okay?''
I put away my pencils and left my pad open on the desk. I would finish the drawing later. I followed Joe down the stairs slowly. I would have thought that maybe just Patrick would have come up to talk to me by now, but evidently not. It did make me wonder what they had in store though.
I took a seat next to Andy on the corner of the sofa. He gave me a smile and a raised eyebrow. I nodded and smiled back, signalling to him without words that I was okay. Patrick cleared his throat and I turned my attention to him.
''So uh, you're not going back to school,'' he started, ''We got banned,'' Pete sniggered, ''So I don't think that you should go back there. We could get you home-schooled, or just sign you up for another school if you like?''
''But I'm already half-way through my exams?''
''Yeah,'' Joe sighed, ''Does she really have to go back to school?'' He looked at Patrick.
''Are you crazy? Of course she has to go to school!''
''But!'' He sighed again and looked at me, ''Ell, what do you want a career in?''
I thought for a few moments. There were a few things that entered my head, but none of them were anything major. My parents always wanted me to become a doctor, but I was awful at science. My brother was on track to join a sports college and me? Well, I just wanted to be something to do with English. I loved the subject and that's all I had my eye set on.
''I want to become a journalist,''
''Really? That's a cool job! Pete, you wanna take this one?''
We all looked over to Pete. He grinned and my mind slowly began to piece together this whole scenario.
''Sure. Now you don't have to go back to school! You can come and be a journo at DecayDance and write stuff for us. We're always looking for someone to do the interviews and stuff, you could write up reports, give fans the latest information, all that stuff. Sound good?''
''Good?'' I grinned at Pete, ''It sounds great! Are you being serious?''
''Hell yeah I'm serious-''
''Wait!'' Patrick held us all up. He raised both his arms and silenced the room which I thought was pretty cool for him to do. ''Can you even do that?''
''Just give Ell a job?''
Pete scoffed, ''Dude, I own the company, if I can't give someone a job then who the hell can?''
Patrick put on a thinking face and stared straight ahead. The four of us all exchanged glances that turned into us pulling the ugliest faces whilst Patrick was still oblivious to the whole thing. When Patrick looked up, he caught Pete giving himself a double chin and taking a selfie. He just laughed.

''Then we go out for dinner to celebrate! And Pete,'' Patrick shuddered, ''Don't ever make that face again''.

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