forty one / ryan

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The next morning I woke up around midday. Considering a didn't fall asleep until around one am in the morning, it was kind of early. When I arrived home, I tried to sleep but my thoughts kept drifting to Patrick. I felt bad. And what made me feel even worse was his reply. I was going to the concert tomorrow and I was dreading seeing him. Well, half of me was. The other half wanted to run and jump on him, giving him the biggest hug ever. But that couldn't over ride my fear.

I pushed aside my covers and brushed my teeth, dressing in sweat pants and a t-shirt. I didn't bother getting washed, since I was going on my date thing with Ryan this afternoon I would shower later.

I trudged down the stairs to find nothing but silence. And the constant whizz of the air conditioning that flowed throughout the house. I spotted a note on the coffee table. I read it and it informed me that Brendon and Sarah had gone out to run a few errands, but they'd be back for 2. Since I had nothing else to do, my culinary skills began to call and I was drawn to the kitchen.

I began pulling out pans left right and centre, throwing in all kinds of different herbs and spices. After an hour of messing around with flavours, I decided on goats cheese stuffed chicken, with thyme and rosemary. I grabbed a bottle of wine, I hoped they wouldn't mind, and drizzled it over the stuffed chicken breasts. I added some olive oil and left it in the oven to cook. Chicken on its own was never enough, so I used some potatoes I found to make seasoned roast potatoes for a side dish.

Brendon and Sarah arrived home just before two. The first thing I heard was Brendon calling out, 'damn that smells good!'. I laughed to myself as I plated up dinner. The pair entered the kitchen and tried to sneak a look at the dish, I told them to sit down and wait.

I served them their meal and took a seat next to Sarah, tucking into my own. They were amazed at my cooking and I thanked them. I was only half way through my chicken and Brendon was already asking for seconds. Sarah slapped his arm and I chuckled. He returned with two more pieces of chicken and a few more potatoes. If he was happy with my food, what more can I ask? After all, he doesn't get good food wrong.

For the rest of the afternoon, the three of us watched some TV and Brendon kept throwing recipes at me, insisting that I made them before the end of the tour.

Around 3:30, I took off upstairs and jumped into the shower. I didn't take long and before I knew it, my hair was dry and I moved onto my make-up. Brendon mentioned that Ryan didn't date, so I must've been pretty special since we only just met. Because of this, decided to make a little more of an effort, but still remain casual.

The autumn chills were coming in thick and fast, making looking cute really hard. I probably would have worn a dress, but the weather outside was a clear warning to not go ahead with that plan. Instead, I opted for grey tights and a black, silver, blue and purple marble effect tunic. I chose some heeled boots and a black leather jacket.

I was adding my finishing touches when Sarah called up to me that Ryan was here. I quickly made my way downstairs to see Brendon and Ryan in deep conversation. Ryan smiled when he saw me.

"Hi," I said in a quiet voice. I suddenly felt very shy around Ryan. It was probably because we were going on what Brendon said was a date, although I wasn't so sure.

Ryan immediately complemented me on my appearance, making me blush. From the kitchen, a vibrant essence had drifted through into the hallway. Brendon grinned as Sarah walked out.

"Giving the old oven a spin are we?" Ryan teased, Sarah scowled at him playfully.

"I bet it won't be a touch on our lunch," Sarah said, smiling at me. I just smiled, saying nothing.

"Don't say that! I bet it will be great!" Brendon praised Sarah, wanting to lighten her spirits over her dinner attempts.

"Oh sure. You'll taste one spoon of this sauce and order a pizza, I bet,"

Brendon shrugged, "Make sure you get her to cook something for you, she's an amazing chef!"

"I'm taking her out! I don't make the lady cook!" Ryan chuckled.

Brendon shook his head, "Well you're missing out. Have her back by 11, we're up early tomorrow,"

Ryan agreed and we left the house, strolling down the drive way towards his car. He had a jet black Porsche with what looked like leather seats. Ryan opened and closed my door for me, what a gentleman! I watched him walk around to the drivers side. He looked really good tonight. Black jeans and a white v-neck with a leather jacket, like my own. His hair was quiffed with a hint of purple coloured in. He must've caught me staring because he shot me a wink as he got in the car. He definitely made my stomach flutter, but he made my mind think of nobody but Pete.


in other news I was to thank everyone who commented and to the person said said they stopped doing their hw bc I updated; I FEEL SO SPECIAL BUT OMG DONT FAIL OR WHATEVER BC OF MY SHITTY STORIES BUT ILY OK XO

I'm home today so I'll update more but I'm back at school on Monday which sucks:(


Read my Ashton Irwin fic pls bc it has like 1 read and I'm v sad:( i think it's pretty rad so far lmao, it's on my @plaidshirts account&a I'd love you v much if you could read it, ty.


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