fifty-two / avengers

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That night, I went to my room early and called Ryan. I told him and explained everything that had happened in great depth. He was really interested about what people had said, my favourite thing he asked was about Gabrielle and if she was pretty. I told him yes, she was. I was happy for her and Patrick, I just wasn't happy about where I was with them. I thanked my lucky stars that Pete is around. Without him, I knew I wouldn't be half the person I am right now.

I had to turn down Ryan's offer of bowling and dinner for tomorrow since Bronx was coming. I didn't want to be rude, and quite frankly I wanted to meet the kid. As much as I wanted to spend my entire life with Ryan, I had to say no. After I told him why he agreed that it was right to stay home. We re-arranged it for a few days after. I missed him and his hugs but it would have to do as he had plans the day after tomorrow anyway.

I woke up late, panicking as I saw the time. It was 10:00 AM. I leapt from under my bedsheets and darted across the hall into the bathroom. I quickly washed and dressed. I was done by 10:45 which was fine, Bronx was being dropped off at 11. I was downstairs eating breakfast and Pete was the floor below, practicing some music on his bass. I finished my cereal as my phone buzzed. I had received a text from Ryan. It read 'good luck;) x'.

I laughed, but didn't reply. The doorbell rang and my instincts told me to answer it, however Pete came bounding up the stairs screaming, "I'll get it don't panic!" I laughed and stayed in the kitchen. I wasn't sure if I was meant to be there or not.

I heard Pete and Ashlee talking, the younger voice of Bronx getting a few words in. I listened into their conversation, unintentionally of course. Ashlee and Pete seemed very civil, which I respected. I was so caught up in listening in that I almost didn't hear Pete calling my name. I quickly moved my presence into the hallway with a bright smile.

"Hi," I smiled at both Ashlee and Bronx.

"I'm Ashlee, Bronx's mom," She held her hand out with a smile. I couldn't tell if she was being true or not but I gave her the benefit of the doubt and shook her hand, introducing myself. Pete soon dismissed her and then it was him, myself and Bronx.

"Alright guys, let's bond!" Pete grabbed Bronx and carried him into the lounge whilst he screamed with laughter. I smiled to myself and followed them in. I took a seat on the sofa whilst the two of them sat together on the sofa.

"Bronx, this is Ellianah. She's living with me now because Uncle Patrick is a loser," Pete grinned and Bronx waved at me.

"Hi," He gave me a small smile and continued to bash together his action figures. Pete opened his mouth to speak, but I beat him to it.

"Who have you got there, Bronx? Is that the Hulk?" I got on my knees in front of Bronx and took an interest in his toys. I knew that I needed to make Bronx like me and be comfortable around me. I wanted him to talk to me about cool stuff like superheroes and comic books and I needed to start now.

He laughed, "No silly! This is Captain America and this one is Thor. Have you seen Avengers?"

"Nope, are they in that movie?"

Bronx's mouth dropped open and I laughed. Pete lifted his chin back up so his mouth wasn't hanging open any longer.

"Dad! She hasn't seen Avengers! What? That's crazy isn't it!"

Pete laughed, "First thing to do today, watch the Avengers, right Bronx?"


A/N hi

there was a HELLA amount of dialogue in this I hope it didn't suck or was boring:((

comment if you like it!:)



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