fifteen / ash

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‘’Have a good day, good luck with your examssss!’’ Patrick’s voice faded away as Pete hit the gas pedal and the sped out of the school car park. I sighed but gave them a smile as Andy stuck his head out of the window and waved from far away. I waved back before retreating into the school building.

I had an exam first thing, so I wandered through the corridor and as I did so, I bumped into Jane. She looked a little taken-a-back, but she smiled at me nevertheless.

‘’Hi Jane,’’ I smiled weakly.

‘’Hey, where’ve you been at? We’ve missed you,’’ She looked beyond me.

‘’Revision sessions,’’ I shrugged.

‘’Oh, we should all hang out again sometime. Lewis suggested it,’’

‘’He did?’’ I raised an eyebrow

‘’Yeah, he wants you to meet his brother too. Say’s that it’s important that you get to know his family or something,’’ Jane shrugged and looked at her nails nonchalantly. I inhaled deeply and scuffed my toe against the skirting board in the corridor, unknown what to say next.

‘’Hey!’’ Jane looked up with a smile, ‘’You should come meet him now. He drops Lewis off at school,’’ She grinned.

‘’I-I shouldn’t, I have an exam,’’ I shook my head quickly but Jane unintended violently grabbed my arm and pulled me down the corridor and down to the bottom of the school.

We walked through the trees and down a path to the bottom car park. I suddenly felt really scared when I saw Lewis and basically an older version of him stood leant on a black car with tinted windows. I hesitated but Jane continued to pull me down the path.

‘’Hey guys,’’ Jane smiled at both boys. Ash looked at Lewis, who nodded back at him.

‘’You know Wentz?’’ Ash spoke up, ignoring Jane completely.

I gulped, ‘’y-yeah,’’

Ash laughed, dragging a cigarette from his lips, handing it to Lewis who took a drag and puffed out the smoke, ‘’I feel sorry for you,’’

I stayed silent, kicking the gravel with the toe of my school shoes. I tapped my nails against the strap of my bag as the silence continued to grow between the four of us.

‘’How’s you know him?’’

My head snapped up, ‘’What?’’

‘’I said,’’ Ash glared at me, ‘’How’d you know Wentz?’’

Ash stepped closer to me and Jane went to stand by Lewis who just smirked at me.

‘’He’s a friend of my, family,’’ I stuttered, stuffing my hands into my pockets.

‘’Liar,’’ He spat in my face. His smoky breath lingered for a couple of seconds before drifting away. I bit the inside of my quivering lip. I heard the bell go in the distance and turned to leave, but was pulled back by the strap of my bag.

‘’I didn’t say you could leave,’’

‘’I have an exam…’’

‘’I didn’t say you could speak either.’’


I woke up in the school nurse’s room. I winced when I tried to open my eyes, but I slowly did. I looked down at my arms that were covered in patchy bruises, and my thighs were slowly turning purple to match.

The nurse came bursting into the room with an overly perky smile on her face. I gave her a weak smile in return and waited for her to tell me something, anything, about what state I was in.

‘’How are you feeling?’’

‘’M-my legs hurt a little,’’

‘’They will hurt for a while, you want some ice?’’ She rushed around the room frantically trying to find some ice, ‘’Don’t worry, your Dad will be here soon?’’

‘’My dad?’’ I croaked. I hadn’t heard anyone say that my dad was coming for me in so long. It threw my off my train of thought for a second, but I then realised she was in fact talking about Patrick.

‘’Patrick, he said that he would bring the others, whoever they are,’’

My eyes grew wide and I bolted upright.

‘’No, no, please say you haven’t?’’

‘’Honey what’s wrong?’’

I quickly stood up, ignoring the pain and ran out of the nurse’s room. I could hear her calling after me but I didn’t want to turn back. That was the first place Patrick and the boys would go. I was dreading what was going through their minds right now. I felt so bad that I’d let Pete down. I’ve let him down really badly and I can’t bear facing him, let alone now.

I ran down the long corridors, still hearing the nurse’s voice out in the distance. There were footsteps behind me and they began to get louder so I knew that the four of them were behind me, thanks to the nurse telling me where I was.

‘’No you don’t!’’ I felt someone grab me and lift me up by the waist. It hurt like hell, but I didn’t let it show. I knew they were doing it to protect me, but they don’t know what happened.

I quietly whimpered and looked at my shoes in the presence of all four of the boys. I didn’t dare look up. I could feel all four pairs of eyes staring straight down at me, but what I couldn’t tell was how angry they were at me. I was so scared. I was such a bad person. I should’ve just ignored Jane and none of this would’ve happened.

I felt someone’s hands, Pete’s, rest upon my cheeks. My eyes flickered up to meet his. They didn’t look angry, they looked devastated. They were full of sorrow and depression, sadness and a hint of envy in them too.

Pete spoke through grit teeth, his eyes red from crying and his voice husky from the flame of anger that was now growing inside of him, ‘’What did he do to you Ell? Did he do the same to you?’’

*a/n hola I updated again:3 I really really really like writing this now omg. I hope you guys like it too!


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