forty seven / it's not your fault

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Me and Ryan hung backstage in an un-occupied dressing room. The show had just finished and it was amazing, it enthralled me and my eyes were glued to the stage. I had never seen Fall Out Boy live before so that was a first, but I loved Paramore so much. It was an amazing experience and Ryan was by my side the whole time, laughing at me as I fangirled.

We were sat on the leather sofa together. One of Ryan's arms was draped around my shoulders as I scrolled through Twitter. Ryan's other hand was occupied also by his phone as he frantically tried to get hold of Brendon. God knows of him and Sarah's whereabouts. We hadn't seen them throughout the whole show and we were starting to get worried.

Just as Ryan finally got through to Brendon on the phone, a member of the backstage crew walked in.

"Ellianah, Patrick asked me to come get you,".

I nodded and told Ryan I'd be back soon. He nodded and kissed me cheek before returning to attempt to locate Brendon's description. I followed the crew member out of the room and down the corridor. There was a sign hung on the door with Patrick's name in big letters. The man knocked twice before Patrick called for me to come inside. The crew member opened the door for me, gesturing for me to go inside. I smiled at him and walked inside, hearing the door close behind me.

I looked around the dressing room. It was big, accompanied with two white sofas and a huge flat screen TV. There was a pile of food on the coffee table and clothes strewn everywhere. Patrick was sat on one of the black leather chairs by the row of mirrors and running dressing tables, littered with products. He smiled at me, beckoning for me to sit down. He had a pair of black jeans on and a white t-shirt. His leather jacket was hung over the back of the chair and he was dabbing his face with a towel whilst sipping water.

I took a seat and placed my hands in my lap. He didn't speak for a few moments which made the intensity and awkwardness of the atmosphere more prominent. I cleared my throat and he looked at me. He put down his water and towel and turned on his chair to face me. He looked serious but with a hint of sadness peaking in through his eyes.

"Alright, I need to tell you something,"

I drew in a deep breath, "Which is?"

He bowed his head for a few seconds and then looked back up at me, "I don't want you to take this as a bad thing or...I just, it's not your fault alright? It's not you, it's me...I mean us, I mean..."

"Patrick what is it?" I looked into his eyes. They held nothing but sadness and that's how I knew what was going to escape Patrick's lips next was not going to be a good thing.

"You're moving out of the house,".

I stared at him. Nothing else came out of his mouth and I knew it was hard for him to say. But why? What had I done? Sure, he'd said it wasn't me, then what was it? But more importantly, where did he think to send me? I felt my breath get hitched in my throat and my eyes slowly began to fill with tears.

"Don't cry, it's not your fault it's...," We both stood up and Patrick pulled me into a hug, "We've found a real cute house for you not far from me, and you'll be able to continue with work because Pete's renewed your contract working for the label. Everything's going to be fine, you're 18 now, El, don't worry,". He hugged me tight and I dropped my arms from his torso, stepping back from him. I felt myself shaking and my make-up beginning to run down my face. I felt like I was going to stumble on my words, but I didn't.

"Why, what's the reason? You said you'd never leave me, you said you'd never let me go," I whispered, narrowing my eyes at him as the tears rolled down my cheeks.

He looked at me for a while, considering whether to tell me or not. I began to get thoughts racing through my head at what he could say next, but nothing came close to what he did actually say.

"Gabrielle is pregnant,".

I said nothing. Nothing at all. I didn't even look at him. I just walked out of the dressing room. My head was spinning and I forgot where Ryan was. I kept walking through tens of backstage crew who paid no attention to me whatsoever. I walked right through backstage and right out into the crowd. People were still filing out of the venue but I was staring down at the ground as I walked. I realised that I was trying to get back to the car but I fell hard to the floor as I hit someone.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry," I looked up from the dusty ground to see him. To see Lewis Illingworth.

A/N Okay hiiii!

I'm really proud of this chapter lmao idk do you??? Considering I wrote this on my phone I'm happy with it:))

Thanks for reading!


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